300 Reasons for Yes
Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Mick Hucknall. Pedlars. Dungavel. Sam Cam. Question of Sport. Sandi Toksvig. The Big Society. Autumnwatch. Seb Coe. Paul Dacre. Royal Wooton Bassett. Paul Baxendale-Walker.
Simon Harwood. The One Show. Bullingdon Club Cabinet. Kelvin Mackenzie. Katie Allsop. The Daily Mail. Neil Hamilton. Henman Hill. Jimmy Hill. Damon Devereux Hill. Journalism about Pippa Middleton’s bum. Sausages.
The Brits. Starkey. Alan Titchmarsh. Nadine Dorries. Mid-Bedfordshire. Endless coverage of the Ashes. QI. Jeremy Guscott. Jeremy Spake. Jeremy Clarkson. Jeremy Kyle (anyone called Jeremy apart from Hardy). Morrissey. John Redwood. A Touch of Frost. Discussion of Stephen Fry’s Twitter following. Roger Scruton. Paul Burrell. We’re All in This Together.
Illegal wars in far away places for no apparent reason. Jimmy Carr. Simon Jenkins. Paul Staines. ITV News – the news with REALLY BIG PICTURES. Ross Kemp. Keep Calm and Carry On. The Olympics. David Mitchell. Anne Robinson. Balmoral. Khaki Culture.
David Aaronovitch. The Royal Mail. Last Night of the Proms. Sky Sports 1. Wills. Claire Fox. Peter Mandelson. Proudlock. Steps. Rugby League. Scratchings. Brian Moore. Roger Moore. Dudley Moore. Low-Flying. Posh Spices handbag. Men Behaving Badly. Simon Schama. 30 Years of Shame. The Boat Race. Bernard Manning. Nick Clegg. The Archers. Cowes. Swing Low. Noel Edmonds. Spooks. Mullets. The Apprentice. Linwood. Frank Skinner.
Littlejohn. David Baddiel. The Dimblebys. WMD. Duckponds. The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street. Teddy Edward. Adam Boulton. Nuclear Power. Pudsy.
Dodgy Dossiers. Prince Andrew. Nicholas Witchell. Rory McGrath. Ermine. Magazines dedicated the squeezed-middle. Atlantic Bridges. Horrid Henry. Spotted Dick. EDL. CBI. BAE. PFI.
White Van Man.
Ainsley Harriott. Trinny and Susannah. John Terry. Delia. Jim Davison. Andrew Lloyd Webber. Mr Bean. Guido Fawkes. Oh I say. NEXT. Musicals. Duchy Originals. The Sword of Truth. Rod Liddle. Jacob Rees Mogg. DIB DIB DIB. SAS Novels. They Think It’s All Over (it is now).
Coming soon, 300 Reasons for No.
What the chuff is wrong with sausages, Rugby League, Dudley Moore and the Arches?
But you accept Ainsley Harriott, Adam Boulton and Pudsy?
Boulton gets it in the neck. Harriet and Pudsy are mere sock puppets. The one name missing that surpasses all others on the list is………………..
Kelvin McKenzie.
Kelvin the Scockney IS on the list
WMDs, illegal wars, squandered oil revenue, emigration, empty glens, no industry, brain drain, Scottish cringe, “best small country in the world”, 90minute patriots, life expectancy of 55, Mcrone report, Willie Macrae, Nuclear dumping, leaders debates, reporting Scotland, distorted weather map…
theres a few things lot more relevant than most of the above.
All true BCNSCO – but for someone with a guid sense of humour you seem to have missed Angus’s deep cultural analysis
The ghost of Hugh Macdiarmaid salutes your indefatigability.
Laughed and laughed, as you must when the other choice is weeping.
With you on the Jeremys Angus
Sandi Toksvig, a Dane? Seems unfair and sadly many on your list are revered by residents of Scotland; not sure what the point of this list is, so many on it, are at best, bit part players in the history of today. But maybe humour? Alas no, didn’t tickle my fancy. Anyway look forward to the No list.
My immediate suggestions for No; BBC Scotland, Glasgow City Council, the lack of real debate in Scotland, controlled in the main by all the same players …….
I have only one reason,West Minister.
Ha, Sandi Toksvig – what does that say about evolution? And the precious Mr Stephen Fry thinks the English fought against Napoleon. David Starkey is from a famous family of muppets which explains quite a lot. Schama’s a clueless tosser, in my humble opinion. I live in such a celeb free bubble I don’t know many of them but am willing to take your word that they’re all bad ‘uns. Thanks for the laugh.
300 reasons for saying no – coming soon?? Are there even 3 reasons for saying no??!!
Disagree with you on Royal Wootten Bassett, as a mum of a soldier who thank god never passed through that way I have shed tears for those that did. Its a wonderful community spirit who in our eyes showed love and warmth in the repariation of our brave troops.
3 reasons for saying no?- 1) England will be worse off – which will make Wales worse off (and NI). 2|) You will continue to enjoy the privilege of seeing your young people, sent away to other people’s wars, returned in coffins draped in foreign flags. 3) you will continue to be represented by England’s best in the foreign service, so that the whole world still calls you ‘England’ when they refer to you!
What more do you want?
I quite like QI.
Indeed, I quite like Stephen Fry and Sandi Toksvig. Despite that I’m going to vote yes.
Perhaps I can set up a QI smuggling gang after independence?
Okay, will give you QI, and Fry, Toksvig is un-negotiable though, it’s the shoulders.
Fry is establishment through and through. His delivery is the disguise. Like the Guardian, and in many ways the BBC.
I loath Mitchell.
Good list though. There’s about a thousand more though!
Just found out that Scotland isn’t named Scotland on google maps, just a big ‘United Kingdom’ sign hanging over Scotland and England. If any one finds a way to complain directly to google let me know because they’re not forthcoming with ways to contact them. Also according to google maps there is no such place as Palestine.
Actually just Nicolas Witchell is quite reason enough
I disagreed with three of your list. The astonishing thing is 99% agreement.
This sort of thing will 100% turn people away from independence and it’s supporters – not to mention some parts are offensive and sound like the sorts of pompous & scathing things (ironically) that come out of Clarkson’s mouth – singling out the county of Bedfordshire for example or “White van man” (nothing like a bit of class warfare eh?).
Funny thing humour – I laughed out loud at much of you list but can see Adam’s point. It’s only funny if you can give it out and take it. Did “Skintland” make you smile or frown? How would you react if a similar list of 300 reasons to dump the Jocks was published in the Mail?
300 reasons to dump the Jocks are regularly published in the Daily Mail. I thought this was obviously light-hearted: ‘Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Mick Hucknall’ – sort of sets the tone, no?
I found Skintland offensive but I wouldnt have if it was in a comedy context.