Vote for change, Vote for your freedom

Saffron Dickson (who you may have seen here speak here) is a 15 year old first-time voter in next year’s referendum. Here’s why she’ll be voting Yes:

When it comes the independence debate, there are two sides  – those who are scared, and those who are willing to put their own future in their own hands.

The ‘Better Together’ campaign are not about the best future for you, they can’t make the bright and prosperous future that I, you and every other Scottish citizen wants, all they can do is instil fear into you, lure you into a false sense of security, into a safety net that is about as much use as a chocolate tea-pot.

They do this one way- Propaganda. This isn’t just our future, this is our children’s, their children’s and so on, the decision we make will affect everyone, and for that reason we have to make the right one. Our country isn’t built on fear and belittlement, it was built by courageous, passionate men and women and it is our job to do justice to our homeland. Yes is the only way forward, literally. Staying as part of the union will take us backwards.

Are you willing to trust a government that betrayed us before on the promise of more power? Are you willing to trust a government you didn’t vote for? I for one, cannot do this, my heart says no alongside my head. We should not allow people to fall part of a failing system after being brainwashed into thinking we have a democratic set up, we are entitled to power over our OWN lives, we matter, we are people and we should count.

We live as part of a corrupt union with a corrupt government we never voted for. Don’t let yourself be pulled-in by the idea of fear of difference and change, this world is built on it, change shapes the future, the world’s landscape evolves into beautiful scenic areas with peaceful whispers of joy, just the same as Scotland will, if you trust yourself, if you trust me, and if you trust everyone that votes yes. Are you sitting down and saying ‘things never change’ ‘they’re all the same’? Then why don’t you make the difference, vote for change, vote for your freedom, and vote for yourself.

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  1. Keef says:

    I’m voting for you Saffron.

    I’ve never met you, but your dynamic energy levels are all too apparent just by reading your impassioned plea for the sleeping to wake up.

    I hope to God your efforts help wake them up before it’s too late.

    Well said, well done.

  2. Semus says:

    You made an old man me jump for joy when I saw the bright open young smile on your face and you told it how it is( and had me helpless with the empire biscuit).Last time I jumped up on down on my sofa was when Tommy Sheridan won his case,and the 2011 election. You nearly broke my sofa Saffron. Good for you lassie.

  3. Saffron. Yours is one of the most inspirational bits of personal prose I’ve yet seen and heard in our great debate. It’s your generation and those who follow you who have the most to gain or lose from the referendum. I’ll be doing my earnest best to get back to my country before next September in order to throw my own effort behind the push for a better future for you and everyone else in our wee country!
    May you have the future you dream of!

  4. Mairi McAllan says:

    Representing young people and women everywhere, whose voices are too often ignored. Well said Saffron!

  5. douglas clark says:

    That lassie has got it all. I am old enough to be her grandfather and I couldn’t write or talk that well.

    We are lucky to have young folk like that.

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