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Excellent nice to hear somebody put out their thoughts,and how they arrived at their conclusion.
Really great commentary
Nice to hear plain language put across in a way that engages with ordinary folk. Couldn’t have been better it just needs to be circulated round all of the labour and social clubs in Scotland to remind folk of our need for change. The abysmal responses from Curran, Murphy, Brown, Darling and the rest of project fear over past months will disenfranchise the real socialists in this country. Libby has probably engaged with 99% of the don’t knows. Well done, its up to the people now to get it right in the referendum. Vote YES !
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Here’s a powerful voice – a long-term Labour supporter realises that the only way to have a fairer society is to break away from the UK. It’s not about negativity!
Generally agree with all that Libby said.
However, I’m concerned about this ‘socialist/Labour’ thing that I hear time and time again. What is that about ?
People who support independence, or who have been converted to voting Yes have obviously realised at some point that Westminster does not work and they have made that mental leap to support the renewal of an independent Scotland.
Yet they seem to cling on to this idea of ‘Labour’, that maybe the party can be renewed, given new life etc etc, when all the evidence, particularly in Glasgow show that for decades of power they have completely failed the working class.
Why not dump Labour ? Why not imagine a new party, with new faces and new ideas ?
Do you really think that Labour will somehow transform if we vote Yes ? – that the likes of Lamont, Murphy, Sarwar, Curran, Harris, Davidson, Alexander, Baillie, Baker, Darling and Brown backed up with the likes of Gordon Matheson, Brian Wilson, Michael Kelly and dozens more Labourites will somehow reform into the Labour of old ?
No chance.
Do I want to see our new nation, with the opportunity of a clean slate to totally re-write chapter and verse our entire structure being, listening to these people ?
No way.