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I really enjoyed that! Thanks.
Beautifully and powerfully put – excellent speaker.
Wicked cybernat dares to question national treasure JK Rowling:
Great video, great reasons to vote Yes; will be sharing this as much as I can.
With young speakers like this there’s great hope for Scotland’s future. The “rich” can’t buy our votes!
Lord Reid of Cardowan presents the No case
in a full page advert in the Scottish Catholic Herald
full page!
He has a golden opportunity
to promote the No arguments.
This is his big pitch –
“We can have our own unique identity”
“benefit from the security
that comes from being part of something bigger.”
Identity ? This is shooting fish in a barrel.
“We can have our unique identity”
So we can keep on calling the country Scotland.
That’s very kind of Lord John and Westminster
for allowing us the privilege
and the benefit -would you believe –
of continuing with our own name, our own unique identity.
This is the first fruit and benefit of voting No.
Hand over to England’s super-rich Tory ruling classes
£4 Trillion worth of oil and gas and in exchange
we get to keep the name ‘Scotland.’
Have you ever heard such fuddle-muddle?
Such contempt for Scots.
A Labour Lord sending a message to the Labour rank and file whom he treats like imbeciles and idiots with this claptrap.
Presented with this, my dog would walk away.
Lord Reid of Cardowan himself seems a little confused about his own identity – he uses his old identity viz. John Reid
for this full page advert.
Addressing the punters, he’s John Reid, proud Scot, Celtic man, went to St Pat’s, C’brig, good Catholic school and Labour all his days.
But in Westminster, among the important people of the English Establishment, and on the BBC, he’s Lord Reid.
Enough said on the subject of identity.
Next comes the other trade. Give us your 4 trillion pounds worth of oil and we’ll let you continue to live within 30 miles of the biggest nuclear weapons storage facility outside the US.
We’ll let you remain as THE No 1 TARGET in the event of a nuclear confrontation with unfriendly nations.
That’s “the security that comes from being part of something bigger”.
And all Scotland has to do is sign over every last ounce of our massive wealth of oil & gas resources which are so great it will take 200 yrs to extract and that’s before you get to the limitless wealth attached to hydro, wind and tidal energy.
And so much more – the finest whisky in the world made from the purest water in the world, and on and on.
Lord Reid, is this really your best shot ?
You would take everything and in exchange
You offer us ‘identity’
and what you call ‘security’?
I’ll tell you something – were Scotland to vote No
we would get a new identity –
The world’s most stupid and most gullible nation.
In this advert
you have achieved something
I’ll give you that.
You’ve made yourself an object of ridicule.
With a Yes in September
Scotland will avoid doing the same.
Blah blah we’ve heard all these kinds of promises before from the likes of John Reid and the rest of the the unionists and what did we get instead – 18 years of Thatcherism.
Of far more relevance and importance is the actual campaign on the ground which appears to be winning hearts and minds in large supply judging by the warm reception given to Nicola Sturgeon’s short speech and lengthy Question and Answer session in front of allcomers at a public meeting at Craiglockhart campus last week.
The public meeting was very well attended and Nicola did the YES campaign proud with her good humoured replies to the many questions there were from those present.
She received the biggest ovation of the evening when she spoke about the plans to rid Scotland of nuclear weapons.
Judging by this public meeting this is clearly a vote winner for a very large part of the voting public.
Reid, Brown, Darling, Carmichael, Lamont. Better Together: made in Westminster from girners.
Don’t trust Reid but equally don’t trust ex swp
Brilliantly put.