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  1. Juteman says:

    Best ever Greg. Pishing myself laughing, as you have nailed the last few says.

    1. Juteman says:


  2. Tories run their government says:

    If elected New Labour will let the Tories run their government

  3. Frederick Robinson says:

    Ya-a-a-w-n…..Predictable as ever.

    1. Polscot says:

      I know, what a pathetic attempt to show our leading ex-politicians in a bad light. I think they all must be applauded for the contribution they have made to our country (God bless our patronising Saint George – or is it Saint Gideon – saviour of our nation, only another 750bn debt in 5 years, genius). On yer bike Tebbit, “baby killers” BoJo, “wallet pincher”, Cameron (is he still on vacation, must be running Bea close in the “out of office” hols stakes), these are people I instinctively know I can trust with your pension fund.

    2. Alice Macfarlane says:

      I right, so you predicted that Frederick?

    3. You love it here, admit it.

    4. Frank M says:

      Yes you are indeed Mr Robinson.

  4. SqueuedPerspextive says:

    Check out

    If you missed the exclusive animated cartoon.

  5. Mary Docherty says:

    Great havin a laugh at 9.30 in the morning!!Lang may yer pen reek !!

  6. Frank M says:

    I love the mayor of London as Billy Bunter. Brilliant!

  7. johnp45 says:

    Excellent, keep ’em coming – please!

  8. Douglas says:

    Homage to Greg:

  9. Douglas says:

    Enough of the SNP´s, defensive, cowardly, right jab…

    …what we need is a good Scottish Left hook….

  10. Douglas says:

    Song sung by Victor Jara, murdered by the CIA and their allies in the Pinochet regime.

    Victor had his fingers broken one by one in the national stadium of Chile, where Scotland played a friendly football match just a couple of years later. …

    Victor Jara was brutally tortured and then killed, like thousands of others in Chile at the time, in the national stadium of the Chilean football team..

    Victor Jara was a poet and an artist, and they killed him because he was an artist, because he was powerful….

    He was murdered for his political beliefs by the actions of the government of the United States of America in cahoots with the fascist regime of Agustin Pinochet…

    Margaret Thatcher was one of the staunchest defenders of the mass murderer, Pinochet….

    Gordon Brown was, in turn, one of the staunchest defenders of Margaret Thatcher….

    The rest, as they say, is noise,,,,

    1. Hey plater says:

      Well said Douglas.

      Gracias a la vida….que ha me hado tanto..

  11. Douglas says:

    If the English press want to give us petty Scottophobia, then I say let´s give them petty Anglophobia right back, or are we going to be less than England in anything?

    Who do the idiots who run the tabloids think they are, huh? We can become banal and stupid and offensive too if needs be…Petty, not personal, Anglophobia, an important distinction…..but they started it after all, and Greg, you should do a cartoon about Steve Bell’-end…

    If the SNP say – and they are lying, they are bare faced liars – that they are going to transform Scotland by indie, because they have no intention whatsoever of transforming Scotland, they are a pack of born liars the SNP, with the mentality of Edinburgh lawyers- then I say give them some direct action right back. I say occupy one of the great estates in the Highlands. Do something. Not just vote the SNP….

    All of this energy in Scotland, which is a desire for change, for societal change, is being squandered in party politics, in the SNP…the SNP have no intention at all of changing Scotland. One bourgeoisie instead of another bourgeoisie is what the SNP offer…”Il Gatopardo” by Lampedusa….the SNP are “the great change that needs to happen so everything stays the same”….


    And a thought for Victor Jara and the brave people who dare to dream….god bless Victor Jara….

  12. Blair paterson says:

    In reply to Douglas I would say god bless you

  13. Douglas says:

    I don´t know friends…for me, “The Battle for Chile” is one of the greatest films ever made. It is an astonishing film. It was shot by five film-makers who were covering the unrest in Chile before the coup, who didn´t suspect there was going to be a coup. And then, the coup took place and they had to smuggle the footage out through the Cuban Embassy.

    It is a heroic film and the people who made it are heroes. The DP was disappeared. Tortured and murdered by Pinochet´s fascist American sponsored killers…Patricio Guzman is one of the great film-makers of our time for his tenacity and bravery. There is no visual document in the history of cinema that comes close to “The Battle For Chile” for me. It is an unprecedented act of testimony….

    And the melancholy of the exiled Chileans… that mathematician I met in Barcelona who was working behind the bar, the great people in Edinburgh – Sonia? – who keep the flame alive.,..Allende and Chile are the reference….and they produced they greatest writer of our time, simply the greatest: Roberto Bolaño….ay, Roberto, cuanto te queremos, cuanto te necesitabamos….enorme escritor….

    An SNP that wants the monarchy….I am not prepared to vote for that, not even out of expediency…so all you pretendy Lefties just run along now….you will not change anything with the Queen and the Pound, except maybe the desire for change….

  14. emilytom67 says:

    I recommend that everybody go on to “what really happened” and read “all wars are bankers wars” ans it shows what you are up against in this world mind blowing or at least it should be,every leader that opposed the bankers has been killed??

  15. emilytom67 says:

    I agree with a lot of what Douglas says but I think he mis-reads the mood of the majority of the indy s we will not allow them to become just another political party.

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