Sustaining our New Media
“One of the great things to come out of IndyRef was the diversity of new media, and 2 years on much of it is still going strong. Bella was one of the first, and continues to publish great content on a wide range of topics.You might not agree with everything they say, but you’d miss them if they weren’t there. Don’t waste your money on the Dead Tree Press, give it to Bella!”
– Ivan McKee, SNP MSP
“The quality of journalism and political debate in Scotland has been enhanced by the emergence of on-line media outlets like Bella Caledonia. They make life uncomfortable for some of us in the mainstream media and that is no bad thing.”
– Kevin McKenna
“We have all, with our diverse longings, come on quite a journey over the last few years. Against all the odds we have forged a lively indy consciousness – not just through activism, but through the creation of our own rich media sphere. We should value that sphere’s diversity: the battle of ideas within our movement keeps us alive to every possibility for advance. We have something new here, something that’s part of a future. It could so easily unravel. Let’s sustain it instead.”
– Pat Kane, the National
“Bella is a remarkable high quality magazine, full of stimulating writing, challenging ideas and provocative responses to the state of Scotland and the world. It’s always at the cutting edge, which makes it a must-read for anyone who cares about politics, culture and life in this nation”.
– Lesley Orr, Women for Independence
“Bella Caledonia was a trailblazer for independent online media in Scotland. Now we have a plurality of sparky blogs and netzines focussed on Scotland and its future. It has not always been so. Bella was one of the first and, for a while, one of the few to offer a cultured, left of centre, pro-indie space to dream, protest….and plan. While I don’t agree with everything it publishes, I am forever glad it was there at the beginning, opening a door which many others rushed through. Now it has competitors, which reflects the health of the democratic debate. But we cannot take such intellectual diversity for granted. Editing a magazine whether online or in print requires stamina and imagination to ensure some kind of consistent quality – and keep up those page views. It also requires money…so I warmly endorse the latest fundraiser. ”
– Joan McAlpine MSP, journalist and Scottish National Party Member of the Scottish Parliament for the South Scotland region.
“Bella Caledonia plays a vital role in diversifying Scotland’s media, providing an accessible and progressive view on our nation, our politics and our culture.”
– Carolyn Scott @EyewitnessScot
“The value of Bella in a post indyref Scotland can’t be overstated. More than ever, we need to hear dissenting, questioning, analytical voices coming from our new media, and Bella has been consistent in providing such a platform. Long may it continue.”
– Jack Foster, writer, film-maker (make of the banned ‘Top 10 Unionist Myths – DEBUNKED’
“If you’re interested in the Scottish left and in the nationalist left in particular – everything from mainstream politics to culture – then Bella Caledonia is a place you have to get to know well. It’s lively, provocative and includes some really great writing.”
– Andrew Marr