Thank You 2016

C424-thank-you-typewriterSo our annual crowd fund has now finished and we raised an amazing £33, 442 (plus a bit more offline). Our Indiegogo page has now closed but if you want to support to us you can donate here. 

We give a huge thanks to everyone of over 1000 people who donated to us – many people with not a lot of money digging deep. That’s a great effort and we will try and deliver for you in the next year.

We didn’t get all that we wanted to – so as a board we’ll have to reflect on what we prioritise and what we can deliver, but we’ll also be exploring other ways to raise funds and be viable. We’ll also be asking our supporters what they want us to focus on.

Special thanks to Phantom Power for his great campaign film, to all the board who helped tweet relentlessly, and to everyone who gave us anything at all. Sometimes the smallest gifts are most appreciated.

We’re going to make some site upgrades and then have a re-launch in a couple of weeks. It seems we’re not going anywhere after all.

Thanks Everybody!

Comments (16)

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  1. Graeme Purves says:

    Well done Mike and Board! ‘Great stuff!

  2. Justin Kenrick says:

    Excellent result for such a crucial provocative website.

    When you provoke thought in all directions then it can be hard to build and retain a following.

    Well done to all readers who stay with it even when there’s bound to be articles you/ we completely disagree with. That’s what gets us thinking afresh, that’s where the new ideas and strategies come from, and that’s what we’re going to need in the weeks, months and years ahead.

    Often the best material on this site is is the comments – a big thank you to all who contribute in this way.

  3. David Allan says:

    Delighted to hear, I will be arranged a Direct Debit soon . I will continue to make one-off donations whenever able. You and the team do a vital job it’s appreciated by many.

  4. Wul says:

    Good news, well done. I’ve heard that fundraising by text is often more sucessful than crowd funding sites. The easier you make it for us, the more likely we are to chip in a few quid.

    It’s the grit that makes the pearl.

    1. Hi Wul – fundraising by text – how does that work?

      1. Wul says:

        Try the web site of Just Giving.
        The conversation I had was in connection to charity fundraising. Maybe non-charities need to use a different route? I guess you just set up an account with an on-line provider (who will no doubt take a cut).

        Making it very easy for people to donate (e.g. by just texting the word “10” to your number) makes it more likely they will help. I assume the £10 is simply added to their mobile phone bill.

  5. K McCauley says:

    I think we may need you over the coming while to hold the line of reason and kindness in the face of euro-divorce and imminent trumpery. Frightening times. Glad you’re keeping going.

  6. Douglas Scott says:

    I am pleased to hear the good news -congratulations
    Hope my small donations helped

  7. John Page says:

    Well done, Bella.

  8. Shagpile says:

    Site upgrades, would someone look at the comments boxes? Why is it that comments do not fit into them?

    1. Thanks – will put it on the list

  9. old battle says:

    The reality of wage-slavery money flow is that end-of-month is a flush time. So why not extend your fund raising to cover pay-day????

  10. Anna Mac says:

    Well done Bella, so relieved you’re sticking around.

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