Dermot Murnaghan Loses it

Here is an exchange you’ll want to see. This is ‘the news’ in which a man with extreme right-wing views is berated for not wearing a poppy for a full two minutes – but not about his views.

Poppy Fascism, not Fascism.

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  1. Bert Logan says:

    Yes – making the news about something as irrelevant as ‘I left it on my other coat, honest guv’.

    Its the media remember, the one that stole Scottish independence 1st time around.

  2. Bill Craig says:

    This is a “serious” national broadcaster? Perhaps Murnaghan did it for a bet, or as a joke.

    Either way, it’s not funny. No Brownie points there, Dermot, but plenty points for stupidity.

  3. Domhnall Dods says:

    I have never before found myself in agreement with UKIP but what was Murnaghan driving at? If he wants to call them hypocrites then just come out and say it. The poppy is about remembering the war dead, in the case of the second world war it is remembering those who died fighting fascism. How ironic that Dermot Murnaghan seems desperate to deny people the freedom of choice which was supposedly fought for in 1939-45.


  4. Tulloch Gorum says:

    What an unbelievably stupid country can be at times. How utterly, utterly moronic.

    1. leavergirl says:

      I just found a reddit discussion about Alt-R that is devoid of rancour and vituperation. Thoughtful, is all it is.

  5. Harry hotspur says:

    In Credible. This sums up the moronic approach of much of the media. Murnaghan makes Kassim look reasonable

  6. John Page says:

    I cancelled my TV licence on 21/9/14
    This enables me to make small monthly donations to Bella and additional amounts to my favourite charity.
    More importantly, I have stopped swearing at the telly screen.
    Worth a try……

  7. PaulinEd says:


  8. Donnie MacLachlan says:

    I didn’t wear a poppy this year, purely down to my perception that the poppy has been hijacked and is being used as a politcal symbol of british nationalism.

    People being forced to wear a poopy through coercion and pressure led by the public broadcaster is not a road we wish to travel.

    I wonder what those who fought and died in the trenches would make of it?

    1. Yan says:

      ” … the poppy has been hijacked and is being used as a politcal symbol of british nationalism.”

      Then in the absence of a poppy can we assume that Raheem Kassam is not a British Nationalist, maybe Murnaghan did not want to expose Raheem Kassam’s real political agenda and it served both of their much of the same political agendas to trample on the poppy in their fake British Nationalist dance.

  9. Darby O'Gill says:

    The white ‘Peace’ poppy does it for me.

  10. Bryan Weir says:

    Totally embarrassing. What a numpty.

  11. Scott Egner says:

    This is what ‘journalism’ has become.

  12. Helayne says:

    So-called Journalists grandstanding and congratulating themselves on national TV is a friggin’ disgrace to the profession…or what’s left of it. This happens here in Australia too.

  13. Graeme Purves says:

    “Dermot Murnaghan Loses it.” Did he ever have it?

  14. Catherine McRorie says:

    Question should be why Soldiers need to rely on charity for help. Gov chose to send soldiers to fight wars, they should have the money to take care of them, or better still don’t go to war.
    I was disgusted with Blair going into Iraq With an army poorly equipt, not properly dressed & outdated armoury.
    Meanwhile the profiteers did rather well & he has profitted too. If a goverment wants war make sure you can afford it. Recent wars have been invasions for self interested parties & not for defence.

  15. Bill Melvin says:

    Murnaghan defeats his own point, he belittles the whole reason people wear poppies with this petty attempt to discredit his interviewee despite the man saying he had bought a poppy and further supported the British Legion. So what was his point? Didn’t he believe what the guy said? And finally in his attempts to make some kind of point, fails to realise how disrespectful this line of questioning is before claiming the man’s lack of poppy is in someway disrespectful.

  16. Jo says:

    Good God, this is cringe-worthy stuff from Murnaghan! I thought the other guy dealt with him very well actually.
    No one should have to suffer attacks like this from journalists. Who do they think they are?
    No wonder many ordinary folk are abandoning the poppy altogether because, as someone else said earlier, it’s been hi-jacked and turned into a political symbol of something or other and no longer an act which pays respect to the war-dead.
    Shame on Murnaghan and Sky.

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