Willie Goes for a Small Walk with the Alpacas

“Willie Rennie will use a campaign visit to an alpaca farm to challenge the SNP to cancel their divisive independence referendum” #GE17

The world of Scottish politics is a weird place. There is nothing stranger than the Liberal Democrats. At 1.45 today Willie Rennie will go to a secret location in the Pentlands where he will: “feed some alpacas and go for a small walk”.

The Liberal leader seems to be on an almost mystical journey for meaning. Lost in the world with nothing to say, he has taken to visiting small farms and petting zoos. Is this performance art?

As this politician disappears into some existential void, we celebrate the brilliance of Willie.

Willie and the Pigs

Willie had a Little Lamb

Willie and the Dog

Willie and the Eagle

Willie and the Sheep

Comments (7)

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  1. Graeme Purves says:

    I reckon he’s working his way up to a water buffalo.

  2. dougie strang says:

    “Is this performance art?” Great line. Had me chuckling. Strange times indeed, though Kezia’s hulk gloves will be hard to beat!

  3. IJM says:

    Wee Wullie is our very own national treasure. IMO the BBC should give him his own tv
    programme (obviously aimed at the younger audience ) travelling around Scotland meeting
    up with various livestock, and doing his stuff. A Scottish John Craven!!. I would watch it.

    1. Sheikh Mabunnet says:

      Not sure that would work, Oor Wullie is strictly small-c craven 😉

  4. john mooney says:

    Willie Rennie is the Uriah Heep of Scottish politics with a cringe factor beyond recognition,a VERY strange man!

  5. les hunter says:

    Wee Willie Rennie rins through the toon,
    Upstairs, doonstairs, in his nicht goon,
    Cryin at the windae, rattlin at the lock,
    Sometimes he swaps his nicht goon fur a cocktail frock.

    But Bairns, dinny worry, if ye hear him at the door,
    He’s got some form here, he’s din it a’ afore,
    The boys in blue are workin hard,
    They’ve really marked his caird,
    He’s goin whaur he can dae nae harm,
    Doon on Animal Farm!

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