Yer Da

The tragic limits to cultural self-loathing, or, social media meets monolingualism…


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Comments (3)

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  1. Tony rozga says:

    Ya beauty!

  2. John Mcgowan says:

    Define Scots

  3. Alf Baird says:

    “.cruelty..and intellectual barbarism”

    To which I would add cultural oppression and a violation of human rights. Well done Gordon.

    Failure of the state (aye, Holyrood) to lairn aw Scots bairns thair ain langage/mither tung is a disgrace. This would be understandable if Westminster still ruled the roost on education in Scotland, but thay dinnae ony mair (dae thay?). Or is the blockage the senior civil servants Whitehall still send north to ‘manage’ ‘devolved’ Scotland?

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