Heavy Handed

Yesterday the Sun’s columnist Rod Liddle wrote openly mocking the genocide of the Rohingya people. In a departure that was called “astonishingly loathsome, even by The Sun’s abysmal standards” he suggested that the Burmese govt had been “a bit heavy handed”. At least 370,000 Rohingya have fled across the border to Bangladesh over the past three weeks. Unicef, the UN children’s agency, has estimated that more than 1,100 children have arrived in Bangladesh unaccompanied, and warned the number will increase in the days ahead.

There is everything toxic about The Sun.



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Comments (3)

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  1. George Gunn says:

    Down in the drains it is always night.

  2. Alasdair Macdonald says:

    I can recall from around the time when the internet was becoming more common and members of the public were able to comment freely on media articles, rather than have to submit to a letters editor, the outrage expressed by a ‘progressive’ journalist on the Observer, because some people were writing unpleasant, hurtful and insulting things about Mr Liddle, who ‘is a good friend of mine.’ The fact that Mr Liddle had, throughout his career, made offensive remarks about many people via the press or radio, seemed to be his ‘right’ and that this ‘right’ was simply not allowed to the common herd. Private Eye, over many years, has documented the nasty shiftiness of this man.
    The media clearly sees a role for people like Mr Liddle in creating a misanthropic ethos which we are witnessing in the statements of Mr Trump, of UKIPPERS, racists, Scottish-orange Tories, etc.
    The self-proclaimed ‘progressive’ journalists are part of this. They are simply the ‘licensed bleeding hearts’.
    Sadly, the mainstream media seems to be substantially peopled by such characters.

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