Interview with Mireia Vehí, from the CUP

The day after the incredible events of the Catalan referendum, and the day of a general strike called to challenge the Spanish state’s violence, David Whyte asks Mireia Vehí, Member of the Catalan Parliament for the CUP (The Popular Unity Candidacy) about the strategy of the left independence movement.

The  CUP is the largest anti-capitalist and socialist party in Catalonia and has a total of 14 Mayors in town councils and 10 members of the  Catalonian parliament.

Last year, the CUP forced the ruling centrist  coalition in the Catalonia government to agree to a referendum in exchange for  approval of the budget in parliament.

Interview for Bella Caledonia with Mireia Vehí


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  1. Paul Codd says:

    Interesting interview. Is there a second part? It seems to finish before the interview concludes.

    1. Sorry no – we were working with contacts in Barcelona and all was low-fi but hopefully still worthwhile

  2. Terence callachan says:

    Very poor Bella caledonia, this lady said the word “smash” several times when a better word would have been preferable ,she used this word because it’s the one she knows in the English language but if she had a better command of the English language I’m certain she would have used a different word.
    You allowed this, then you put it out to the world at a time when Catelonians need understanding and sympathy.
    Some people will seize on the use of that word and the colour of her shirt to say that the Catelonia independence movement it violent of a militaristic nature.
    Incredibly crass journalism.

    1. What a stupid thing to say

      1. Paul Carline says:

        Not so stupid … the ‘Castro’ shirt and her language could certainly offer some people (those who want to cast the Catalan independence movement in a negative light – perhaps as some militant Marxist, potentially violent, movement) grist to their reactionary mill.

        Perhaps not so many of those will be regular readers of Bella, in which case the damage may be slighgt – but it will be interesting to see if there is any negative kick-back for Bella (especially in light of the clear intention of the puppet masters to shut down dissent and ‘dangerous’ alternative views – including challenges to the official accounts of the various staged ‘terrorist’ or ‘crazed white male shooter’ incidents – as Google is now doing.

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