Oxfam – Inequality Exists Shock
There was a report. It was on their website. It was about Scotland. Inequality exists. Inequality is growing.
“Oxfam found that the UK, and indeed Scotland, was no exception to this rule, with the wealthiest one per cent in Scotland owning more wealth than the bottom 50 per cent put together. Globally, the richest one per cent own 82 per cent of the world’s wealth. The report, Reward Work, Not Wealth makes the case that this model is unsustainable, and that it is possible for the economy to be redesigned to create a fairer system.”
Jamie Livingstone, Head of Oxfam Scotland wrote:
“This isn’t a faraway crisis. We know that in Scotland, having a job does not always mean escaping poverty: the vast majority of working age people living in poverty here live in a home where someone’s got a job. Worldwide, our economy of the one per cent is built on the backs of low paid workers who are denied basic rights. Temporary, precarious work is the norm in developing countries, and on the rise in rich nations too. Women are hit hardest by income inequality, as they are often in the lowest-paid, most insecure and most unsafe jobs.”
On the key notion that inequality is growing, the reports are clear. ‘Building a More Equal Scotland: Designing Scotland’s Poverty and Inequality Commission’ states:
“Across the UK, wealth inequality has increased in recent years. In addition, while overall measures of income inequality have shown broad stability across Scotland and the UK since the early 1990s, following big increases in the 1980s, earnings inequality before tax and benefits as well as the net incomes of the top 1% have continued to grow. What’s more, income inequality and poverty increased in the past year and are expected to rise further in coming years. Income inequality in Scotland is now at historically high levels last seen in the early 1990s.”
The key parts of the report are highlighted here.
“The chart below illustrates the distribution of household income in Scotland in 2015/16.
Chart: Distribution of Scottish population by percentile of net equivalised household income (2015/16)
[Source: FAI Analysis of Households Below Average Income dataset, accessed via UK Data Service]
The chart shows that, after accounting for the size of the household, the richest 10% of the Scottish population live in households with a net income of more than £912 per week. In contrast, the equivalent figure for the poorest 10% is less than £240. The figure is above £2,608 per week for the richest 1%.
Wealth inequality in Scotland is even starker. The chart below shows the distribution of household wealth in Scotland in 2012/14 (explained further in section 2.9). It shows the wealthiest 10% own 9.4 times more household wealth than the bottom 40% put together.”
Last year, on the inauguration of Scotland’s new Poverty and Inequality Commission in Edinburgh an open letter from 37 organisations including Oxfam Scotland, The Poverty Alliance, the STUC, SCVO, Shelter Scotland and the Church of Scotland, as well as the Children and Young People’s Commissioner, which is also signed by Engender, Inclusion Scotland, the Poverty Truth Commission, Barnardos, Citizens Advice Scotland, One Parent Families Scotland, the Scottish Refugee Council and the Scottish Community Development Centre, among others – called for action.
The letter said: “Extreme economic inequality is a global issue but the concentration of money at the top of Scottish society is holding back efforts to end the scandal that nearly one in five people in our rich country live in poverty. It is not a coincidence that a record number of Scots are turning to food banks when the incomes of the richest 10% of people in Scotland exceed those of the bottom 40% put together. Wealth is even more unequally shared: the richest 1% own more than the bottom 50% put together. Worryingly, without action, this extreme inequality is predicted to get worse.
“Many of our organisations are all too familiar with the distressing consequences: from the parents who don’t have enough money to feed their children to those women and men stuck on zero hours contracts or in low-paid jobs which fail to pay enough to make ends meet. We recognise that women are often impacted hardest and generally face higher levels of economic inequality.”
Scotland in the World
Oxfam prepare a global report and then tailor output for each country.
This is standard practice for global lobby groups.
So if you read the New Zealand Herald , they’ll have a New Zealand version.
It’s not very complicated and it’s not a conspiracy.
Here’s some examples:
Och – you get the gist. It’s not that difficult is it?
Is it?!
So a global system has specific national variations. Miraculously Scotland isn’t immune to this despite (brace yourselves) the SNP government.
Stuart Campbell didn’t seem to know who Katherine Trebeck was, despite her speaking to the audience at the 1200+ Build 2 event at the Usher Hall.
He writes: “Katherine Trebeck, an Australian academic who does do research for Oxfam but whose name also appears nowhere in the document …”
He also writes: “We were a little bit surprised that Oxfam would have commissioned a report into Scotland.”
Why would you be surprised?
Here’s one on low pay in Scotland: “What Makes for Decent Work“.
This one was devised by Oxfam Scotland and the University of the West of Scotland. The research consulted 1,500 people between October 2015 and February 2016.
It’s not very unusual. There are dozens. Why wouldn’t there be?
All that has happened is that happened is in Oxfam’s Scottish press release they linked to Scottish stats from a report from last year.
Here it is that report. You can download it here.
“Building a More Equal Scotland” they write: “produced in collaboration with the Fraser of Allander Institute, explores the scale of inequality in Scotland and the drivers behind it. The report examines some, but not all, of the intersecting and overlapping dimensions of economic inequality and poverty – as well as potential policy responses and the powers of the Scottish Parliament.”
Moving Beyond Conspiracy
So it seems there is vast and growing inequality in Scotland, as elsewhere, and no you don’t live in a giant conspiracy.
Maybe an idea to stand down one over-zealous reader who suggested:
ScotsRenewables says: 22 January, 2018 at 10:54 pm “Maybe it’s about time we organised some mass purchasing of the Herald followed by very public burning ??”.
The enemy is not just the Herald though, it’s Oxfam, apparently. One reader writes:
Vestas says:22 January, 2018 at 5:30 pm
“Personally I don’t believe anything Oxfam says without checking it THOROUGHLY. Oxfam became a lobbying group rather than an aid charity a long time ago & like all such groups/charities its up its own arse in terms of money paid to “execs” & nepotism. tl;dr I wouldn’t believe anything 50%+ of “British” charities say on any subject. There’s probably (IMHO) 5 major charities worth giving money to in the UK, the rest (Oxfam being a poster child) are sinecures for the privately educated inbred wankers who run the “UK”.
Got it?
One reader Malky just said:
“You’re on fire, Sir.”
…while another writes:
“You don’t have a like button but just to say I for one appreciate every post. Please never stop till we’re free. You will have a place in our roll of honour of our Scots that never stopped fighting to get us out of this toxic union. Well done!!”
Only in the paranoid world of Wings and his supporters would the issue of the Herald publishing a report on inequality in Scotland be more important than the reality of that inequality.
Scotland suffers from the same impacts of exploitation, poverty and inequality as the rest of the capitalist world. This is a (possibly the) driving motivation for independence, but this will not be achieved by hiding behind a wall that pretends that any problems identified in Scotland must either be fictional inventions of a hostile press or the delusions of a campaigning charity.
The enemy is not a newspaper but the economic system that disfigure communities and diminishes lives.
As the Oxfam reports suggests: “To end the inequality crisis, we must build an economy for ordinary working people, not the rich and powerful.”
“It was about Scotland.”
Yet doesn’t mention Scotland once.
I am confused too Baxter, no mention of Scotland, yet applicable to Scotland? How can that be?
If you have been to Mars and are flying to the Moon, but don’t mention either, how do we know where you are coming from or going to?
How many stories or reports do we hear are about the uk, only to dig a bit deeper and discover it covers England only?
Hence many like me start a story in a sceptical mind as to whether or not it does cover Scotland? Are we any clearer here? No!
I make no assumtions on Stuart Campbell’s behalf, however he is right to point out misleading articles that that suggest Scotland is in X position, when this is may not be the case. Misrepresentation of Scotland position in the world is core to the attack on Scotland we have seen since the SNP came to power from the bbc and british press, including the herald.
Let’s be blunt, the herald used the story for no other reason than to bash the SNP and cause of independence.
As for poverty and inequality in Scotland, no one is denying it exists or that it is hugely important and very devisive. Nor that the SNP should be held accountable for aspects of poverty that fall under their responsibility. But, lets establish what it is and not assume it is pro rata to England. You yourself Mike do damage to establishing the true case of Scotland’s poverty by being happy to accept research that it is unclear if it reflects the true position or not.
“Anecdotal evidence, I remember Glasgow in the 60s, 70s and 80s, we are a million miles away today from the poverty that was rampant in Scotland’s largest city then”. Might not be a scientific methodology, but at least I mention the name of the country.
Why you have written this Mike, baffles me and many others!
So lets leave the UK, who won’t let us build a social economy!
Mike , I don’t think anyone ( including anyone from ‘Wings’ ) would disagree that growing inequality , including here in Scotland , is a major issue which should concern us all .
The thrust of the Wings criticism , as I saw it , was that The Herald ( and later Reporting Scotland – surprise ! ) was implying that this Oxfam Report was specifically written for and about Scotland when , of course , it was a World report .
Why these media outlets would want to suggest that Scotland was such a basketcase that Oxfam would single it out for such attention is open to debate .
Yes , inequality in Scotland has been highlighted by ‘local’ reports in recent months , as you cite , but the subject should not be used , as it appears to have been here , by some media outlets to denigrate Scotland and by extension to attack ( perhaps the real story ) its government .
That’s an issue I address in the piece?
I sometimes have the impression that for Mike, the enemy isn’t the Westminster government/Tories or Unionism or any other reactionary force but rather Stuart Campbell and Wings over Scotland.
Sometimes its difficult to distinguish reactionary forces.
I do struggle – as many do – to identify how his forum does anything to promote Scottish independence. Certainly yesterday we had people wanting to burn newspapers and smear Oxfam.
Most people will think, quite rightly, that that’s completely bonkers.
Are you being serious? You struggle to see how ‘his’ forum does anything to promote Scottish independence?
Maybe more time spent at the coalface rather than the boardroom is needed.
What boardroom? What does that even mean?
Smearing Oxfam by pointing out their approach to paying their execs?
“Certainly yesterday we had people wanting to burn newspapers and smear Oxfam.
Most people will think, quite rightly, that that’s completely bonkers.”
What evidence do you have for this?
I have no wish to smear Oxfam, I have a friend who works for them and I have a great appreciation of what they do.
However, if you are presenting a report about a country, include the name of that country and reference your research.
Bang on the money…..in more ways than one.
Just another chance for the media to attack the Scottish government and push the “Scotland is crap” agenda with a side-dish of SNP-Baad to spice things up. Typical of most of the printed media and TV in Scotland, run by English nationalists for English nationalism.
You kind of prove everything i wrote in one comment, thanks.
Not an impressive article, Mike. Cherrypicking comments from someone’s website isn’t ‘analysis’ either. Campbell makes it clear in the Wings article that he recognises poverty is a real issue in Scotland.
His issue, quite clearly, is with the Herald’s wording of the piece. It looks like he maybe read the wrong report, which is why he didn’t find the keywords he searched for. Maybe the Herald linked to the wrong report, I dunno. But that’s what he’s guilty of here. If the argument is that he should address that, fine. But maybe put the pitchforks away.
Hi Colin
I don’t have any pitchforks just analysis of why this would be in any way useful for independence.
The idea that ANY problem identified in Scotland must be the result of some vast media conspiracy is just tiresome, dumb and deceitful.
Your article cited a lot of evidence to demonstrate that inequality is a problem in Scotland. Campbell’s article agreed with you. That’s very clear.
Are you suggesting that he fabricated his searches of the Oxfam report? Or that he looked through the wrong report? If not either of those things, then what is he guilty of here?
I am sincerely baffled. Your own site evolved as a response to the heavily anti independence biased media prevalent in Scotland. Your platform publishes material that wouldn’t see the light of day in all but one newspaper in our country. Even today, that same media is frothing at the mouth about a flag.
Your entire raison d’etre was to give a voice to those who had no voice. To mitigate the deliberate silencing of half of the people of Scotland by an establishment that is threatened by independence.
But you are right, there is no “conspiracy” for that implies secret pacts. For in Scotland there is no need for secrecy. The British MSM is openly opposed to independence. Anyone with half a brain can see that. They use any and all tools at hand to demonstrate their continued opposition to and contempt for those who work towards our independence. Including yourself. Why you choose to defend that same media by attacking one of their most ardent critics is a mystery to me.
I’m not doubting there is bias and mass problems in the media. I have spent a very long time writing and researching it.
I am questioning the focus on this issue to the exclusion of ANYTHING else.
We do give a platform for people who dont have other outlets – over 400 writers at the last count.
I have a problem with sanctimonious lying cunts like you pretending that you’re Scottish, pretending to be Yes, and pretending not to be in the pay of the Yoon media.
The Oxfam report didn’t mention Scotland. the Herald stated outright that it was a report specifically about Scotland. If you can’t see the problem then just die and leave some space for the people who are not either morons or liars.
“Oxfam has welcomed some of the foundations for a fairer economy that are being laid in Scotland”
There you go, a bit of analysis for you, that, to the best of my knowledge was not included in the report discussed by The Herald and headlined as specifically a Scottish report.
Perhaps you can widen the discussion and inform us of work being done in Scotland to achieve a “fairer economy” and how this furthers a move to independence and a ‘fairer society’ as we understand it, especially analysis of wealthy non-resident land owners and their influence in Scotland, the wider U.K. political system and UK MSM.
Wings does what Wings does best to expose misleading UK media when reporting on Scotland. There is a lot of it going on. But you know that, not least because you read Wings.
Mike, Stuart Campbell is on the same side.
He wants a fairer, better independent Scotland, and whilst we may all take slightly different views on things, we need to be one team.
You do great work and so does Stuart Campbell. Keep it up both of you, because we need more like you.
Thank you.
No, I didn’t read the wrong report. Oxfam’s report mentioning Scotland is from last April. The one from this week’s newspaper coverage has absolutely nothing to do with Scotland, and claiming that it does is a lie.
“Oxfam prepare a global report and then tailor output for each country.”
There is, of course, one big difference between Scotland and all the other countries you mention: it’s not independent. It doesn’t – and cannot – run it’s own economic policy, it doesn’t control its own resources, such as oil.
Yes, it has horrific inequality, as a result of UK policy which punishes benefits claimants and the sick with a Kafka-esque system, which is over-centralised, sucking wealth to London, which never had an oil fund and which has run everything for the wealthy.
I can’t imagine any yes supporter disagreeing with any of that. So the question is more why do the same papers which support Scotland not being a *country* for the purposes of such reports, suddenly leap on Scotland as a subject for a report like this when, quite clearly, the country in question is the UK?
Wings and Bella are not in competition, each do a different job and use different tools to do that job. Wings points up the propaganda nature of the Unionist press by it’s omissions, spin and as in the article referred to, it’s willingness to attempt to make a worldwide problem Scotland specific. Bella is commentary and opinion from a contemporary left view point. I am getting sick of being asked to pick a side. Please stick to what you do best and leave the other to do likewise.
Forgive me if this is a really stupid question- the report linked to is from April 2017. Is there a new analysis of inequality in Scotland or not? The Herald piece suggested there was. “A new report from Oxfam reveals that in Scotland, the richest one per cent has more wealth than the bottom 50 per cent combined.”
That there is a breakdown in trust between a large number of independent supporters and the media is well known. I am sure that for papers like the Herald one way to reduce this would be to link to their source information where possible on their website in cases like this- one thing Stuart Campbell is fastidious in doing (which I am sure you would acknowledge, regardless of your opinion of him).
The report does not mention Scotland,or did I miss something?
“The idea that ANY problem identified in Scotland must be the result of some vast media conspiracy is just tiresome, dumb and deceitful.”
That comment itself is just “just tiresome, dumb and deceitful.” No-one with half a brain cell is suggesting that Scotland’s problems are caused by a “vast media conspiracy”. But the problems are not helped by a constant media barrage of fake news, lies, and good news not published, targeting the Scottish Government and other Scottish Institutions. Wings and many others thank God, are rightly criticising such news and behaviour, so why aren’t you?
“No-one with half a brain cell is suggesting that Scotland’s problems are caused by a “vast media conspiracy”. But the problems are not helped by a constant media barrage of fake news, lies, and good news not published, targeting the Scottish Government and other Scottish Institutions.”
Wasn’t the Wings article related to the “Reward Work, Not Wealth” report, whilst your retort uses charts and figures from the “Building a More Equal Scotland” report? The Herald story was about the new report, “Reward Work, Not Wealth” which is, as stated, a global report. This seems like a pointless attack
Both are highlighted and linked to in the article. The reason I mention the previous one is to give context to the incredible and deteriorating vast inequalities which are apparent.
Its not pointless to think how you come across to people outside the already committed.
How do you think attacking Oxfam – something celebrated in comments here – comes across to ordinary people?
Perhaps you should look at why Oxfam have made no comment on the missuse of their report or if the MSM are suppressing such a response. I would rather know the truth than have the facts altered to support an argument.
The Herald inserted its own words into a report produced by a respected organisation Oxfam, claiming they were the words of Oxfam leaving readers in no doubt Scotland was the subject of the report when in reality it was not. That needs addressed as it diminishes the reputation of Oxfam and the good work they do.
There is an attempt by the ‘radical’ wing of the yes movement to marginalise Wings over Scotland mainly because Stuart Campbell thinks in a way which jars with the new official consensus which shapes how the radical left views the world – identity politics. Identity politics is centred on the premise that group identity is more important than who we are as individuals and that to (mis) paraphrase Martin Luther King, your gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity and so forth are more important than the content of your character. This new politics is utterly divisive and will harm the independence movement. I’m no fan of WOS; I find it crass, repetitive and simplistic – however, it appeals to working class activists and SNP members and for that reason attempts at marginalising Campbell are counter-productive.
The idea that ANY problem identified in Scotland must be the result of some vast media conspiracy is just tiresome, dumb and deceitful….Really??
What do you think we’ve been experiencing for the past 4 years ( at least) from the 27 Britnat newspapers, BBC/STV axis combined with the marketing of ‘British’ Scottish food and drink, all with identical headlines ,subject matter, etc? ‘media conspiracy’ doesn’t adequately cover it.
This report..like many like it may well be legitimate, and of concern to Scots. However, the concerted distortion of these reports is clearly based on an agenda of discrediting Scotland’s government performance at all costs. Tiresome and dumb behaviour by the msm ? It most certainly is. Deceitful, deliberate and coordinated from Westminster ? Of that there is no doubt.
Its completely untenable to sustain the idea that there are no problems in Scotland and the SG is uniquely globally infallible. Sorry, its just ridiculous and discredits serious attempts to make change happen
“Its completely untenable to sustain the idea that there are no problems in Scotland and the SG is uniquely globally infallible. Sorry, its just ridiculous and discredits serious attempts to make change happen”
No one is saying that!
You are saying that to justify that you made a cock up (or was it interntional?) with this article.
Scotland has got problems, we all know that, no one is saying otherwise!
But lets see these problems based on reseach conducted and referenceable to Scotland.
United we stand……….
A good example of where the whole is smaller than the sum of the parts.
You cannot build a case on false claims and that is clearly stated in a tweet by Herald reporter, Alistair Grant, “New Oxfam report reveals that in Scotland, the richest one per cent has more wealth than the bottom 50 per cent combined.”
That detracts from a serious discussion on poverty and impunes the reputation of Oxfam.
I feel like you’re talking at cross purposes here. The point of Stuart’s article wasn’t denying that inequality exists in Scotland, but that the Herald claimed the report was written about Scotland, and also gave the impression that it was being singled out for being particularly bad (“out of control” as the headline screamed).
I actually read the German coverage of the report before I read the Herald’s article and while you are right that Oxfam is often localising its press coverage to the country it is published in, it was done very differently:
They lead with it being a new report on inequality in the world,
reported some facts and figures to do with this,
state the purpose of the report (to urge stakeholders at Davos to tackle inequality, tax avoidance etc),
then they bring in various German Oxfam and anti-poverty campaigners (no politicians, opposition or otherwise) to say that even though the situation is much better in Germany, it too has inequality, some facts and figures and
then more info on Davos and why this report is published for it.
(Curiously, reporting in both Austria and Switzerland is reduced to either only looking at the actual report without any reference to their own nations, criticising its near denial that poverty is reducing (albeit slowly) or repeating the German reporting complete with German campaigners but without reference to specific German stats. Make of that what you will…)
In any case, there’s zero sensationalist shouting about “out of control”, which is particularly puzzling given that the Herald says this about 1% owning as much as bottom 50% in Scotland when in Germany it’s not 50K people but 40(!) individuals owning as much as the bottom 50%. Clearly Oxfam can’t be calling this out of control when the gap is this much smaller in Scotland and it doesn’t claim anything of the sort in Germany.
This article isn’t helpful or informative, it’s sensationalist and above all there isn’t a single word in the article acknowledging who controls the mechanisms in play in our economy – the UK government. Not a word of what we know – that austerity and benefits cuts have pushed even in-work families into poverrty. I mean that literally – the word austerity or benefits cuts isn’t mentioned once. Even though we know through many studies now that this has directly caused inequality to rise in Scotland.
Instead there’s an odd criticism of the Scottish government about growing GDP from the same paper that complains loudly that the Scottish government is failing Scotland when GDP isn’t growing fast enough and then the usual Labour spokesperson giving their view. This is an attack piece and a badly written one at that, because it misses completely what Oxfam’s report is actually about – they particularly emphasised tackling tax avoidance in their German press coverage as well as curbing the influence of corporate lobbying on policy making, legislation for fairer wages and demanded much more investment in education and health. All but one of those are completely missing in this piece in favour of portraying Scotland as being singularly bad and then pointing the finger at the Scottish government.
Oxfam is actively trying to influence the Scottish government as it sets up its new welfare system and rightly so, there are massive problems here that we can alleviate if we get this right. Oxfam is also working hard to influence the main driver in creating poverty and inequality in Scotland – the one wielding almost all of the power over the economy. And that is not the Scottish government. Which this article very carefully avoids to mention.
The idea that an article can be as misleading and non-factual as you like as long as its basic premise is true is also tiresome, dumb and decietful.
Honestly, this is ridiculous. For me, inequality is one of the main reasons I support Scottish independence. Inequality has increased in the UK every year of my life, and I think it will continue to do so because the parties that keep increasing inequality keep getting into power despite us never voting for them.
Scotland has two governments. One we vote for, and one we don’t vote for. Unfortunately the one we don’t vote for has more say over our lives then the one we do vote for.
I might be wrong, but going by my experience of how we’ve voted in the past, I don’t think an independent Scotland would vote to be continually shafted by Tory governments again and again, having our industries sold off and our resources squandered to empower people in bed with the government that we don’t vote for.
I have good reason to not want NHS funding cut as a result of privatisation in England. Also, I’m very worried about the availability of new drugs being affected by Brexit.
I realise that simply wanting my vote to have some sort of meaningful effect in shaping my own future is regarded by some as ‘Indy at any cost’, a position that is looked down upon because it doesn’t involve a grand vision of the sort of Scotland I want to forge. And without that, then what’s the point?
Not wanting to be continually fucked over until I’m dead is reason enough for me. “But how do you know it won’t be just the same?” The house is on fire. Why leave? There might be flames outside too. I honestly don’t get that. I really don’t.
I read the Oxfam global report yesterday evening, all 76 odd pages of it. It’s really harrowing. It made me really angry and depressed. But I can’t find the report that’s tailored to Scotland. The Herald said it was a report about Scotland. It wasn’t.
Yes, there’s inequality in Scotland. I would read the version of the report tailored to Scotland that everyone keeps talking about, if I could find it. No links for that one. Presumably because there is no version of this particular report tailored to Scotland.
I’m sure the extra 1% own 50% information provided is accurate. I can see with my own eyes that there’s inequality in Scotland. Oxfam has done reports before that confirm it. But Wings pointing out politically motivated spin on a new report about global inequality doesn’t say anything about inequality itself – and it’s obviously not an attempt to avoid, or shut down, conversation about it, or denigrate previous Oxfam reports, regardless of what’s being implied.
We have a fair and balanced media in Scotland ?
Now that’s a startling revelation , and anyone who thinks there’s a media conspiracy is bonkers , waken up , look around try and find this elusive fair media anywhere .
There are several thousand public sector officials in the £2608+/week (above £130k/yr) and therefore richest 1% bracket working across the Scottish Government, NHS, local gov, quango’s, universities, justiciary etc etc, not least the FM herself. Which implies that this 1% includes the people who make all the major decisions on behalf of the 99%, i.e the rest of us.