Trump is Not Stupid and Will Not Be Impeached
Trump is a strategic actor – there I’ve said it. But Gordon, you’ve read Fire And The Fury? Indeed and a fine romp it was too, that the best bit was the Gorilla Channel wasn’t so much icing on the cake as a cheeky sprinkling of cocaine …
Wearing your Lincoln glasses you observe he is not patch on FDR or even Bush (assorted).
Wearing my Mobutu sunnies I see him moving and maneuvering with aplomb, evading his opponents, dominating the political landscape.
But let us not revisit the kleptocracy, the 30 years talking about running, the parasitic takeover of the Republic Party, the career in mobbed-up NY real estate and casinos, and probably money laundering – let us talk of the book and what didn’t happen.
There was nothing new in Fire And Fury except the voices. Everything said in it has been said before, by one of us, the Resistance, the anti-Trumps.
Every voice in that book was a Trumper. We now what those that support him think of him, and they all know that they are not alone in their contempt and bemusement for him.
Yet, he endures.
We need to drop the pretense he is an idiot, a buffoon. We need to drop the pretense that there will be an impeachment or deposition by Article 25.
There is an unstable coalition in US politics at the moment: the Trump family, a funder-dependent GOP establishment, and a nativist, anti-African American white nationalist mass movement. The Hugenbergs of the GOP think they have the measure of Trump, they can ‘live with it’ as long as the get their tax cuts. The white nationalists want to roll back voting to before Civil Rights and bring a white republic back.
Trump is not wedded to either of them – as his Night Of The Three Wives (and the pornstar) shows – Bannon gone, dead, the pornstar payoff/pornstar shrug-off. He can, and will, do for them all.
There are only two outcomes possible. Either the voter suppression and gerrymandering is fought off and the GOP falls this year in the mid-terms and its impeachment.
Or the republic falls to the Trump family. My money, but not my hope, is on Trump-Trump 2020
Pre-election the democrats ‘break into’ their own files. Put them in Wikileaks drop box and then blame the GOP and/or Russians. Hope this plays out for jail for some in the Democrats. Or many -with luck.
Really? Why would they do that? How would that help them get Hilary elected? What would the point be?
I would ignore Fire and Fury and also the Steele dossier. And I wouldn’t bet against Mueller. He’s going after lying and obstruction initially. And expect to see futher developments as his team follow the money.
Best to follow along on Just Security and Lawfare. Latest from these blogs here:
What is “GOP”?
I know that one, its Good Old Party. But I havnt a clue what ‘Lincoln glasses’ or ‘Mobutu sunnies’ are, or who ‘The Hugenbergs of the GOP’ are.
It seems as if Gordon Guthrie is writing this piece of rambling prose to himself, maybe not, maybe he’s writing it to another Gordon?
I think he may be referring to dictators and their predilection for wearing dark sun glasses and their devious dastardly ways to remain in power.
Trump, the person, maybe a bawhair away from being a dictator, but the American constitution has curtailed this tendency.×675/p01h7sg3.jpg
Hugenberg, I think he may be referring to Alfred Hugenberg
The comparison with Bannon is apposite.
Take care old bean.
I think he may be referring to dictators and their predilection for wearing dark sun glasses and their devious dastardly ways to remain in power. Trump, the person, maybe a bawhair away from being a dictator, but the American constitution has curtailed this tendency.×675/p01h7sg3.jpg
Hugenberg, I think he may be referring to Alfred Hugenberg
The comparison with Bannon is apposite.
Lincoln’s glasses would Abraham Lincoln, and Mobutu and his sunglasses would be the former dictator of Zaire
Hugenberg was the German Nationalist leader who helped Hitler into power.
Grand Old Party = the Republican Party.
Which means Trump in 2024
On the current state of play on gerrymandering see Will the Court Kill the Gerrymander?.
He’s not very smart and he is a buffoon. However he gets by quite successfully as he is skilled at inciting all sorts of base feelings for his own purposes. “Trump is a strategic actor” as you say. That’s just a very polite way of saying he’s a liar, a conman, and a bully.
Yes, but he is a strategic liar, conman and bully, to a purpose.
He may be many things – but he is President of the USA and this week he was on the international stage and being fawned as leader of the (allegedly free) world. Scotland needs all the support it can collect. Nicola listened to the Hillary fanatics, jumped on a bandwagon – and spurned him. As the man himself would tweet …”Not clever”.
Never mind Gordon, those morons aka “celebrities in the US” cheered Hillary up by giving her a turn at the Grammys alongside that book you mentioned. I’m sure that made everything better. Not!