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  1. Wul says:

    Can I trust them? (Double Down News, I mean)

  2. Indyman says:

    Your link is to a Facebook page. Facebook have blocked the video. Here is a link to the DDN website page:

    Here is a direct link to the Youtube video:

    1. Indyman says:

      Wierd, when I see the BC article in Firefox the video doesn’t show at all. In Opera I click the link from your article and it goes to a FB page saying the video is not available. When I go to the DDN FB page the video shows and plays. WTF?

  3. Wul says:

    What kind of person loves money so much that they would set fire to a forest, where people & animals live, for financial gain?

    This level of greed must surely be a type of mental illness? I can’t think of any other explanation.

    Setting fire to your planet’s lungs…for gold?

    1. Frank says:

      Someone once said that – “Civilisation has marched across the face of the planet and left deserts in its footsteps.” Sadly, to a greater or lessor extent, we are all part of that civilisation and the Amazon will just be the latest footstep.

  4. Fergus Walker says:

    Here’s the link to the article on Open Democracy that goes into more depth about the leaked documents showing Bolsonaro’s plan to systematically sieze control of the Amazon from indigenous peoples and conservation protection to set up capital expansion projects. Scary stuff, feels like real End of Days right now.

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