Coitcheann – Common Ground
Lorg Ghlaschu – In Search of the Dear Green Place, is a SNH commission for Mòd Ghlaschu 2019 celebrating Glasgow’s people, places and stories through her Gaelic and other placenames. Here’s a poem by Mary Ann Kennedy, inspired by Cathkin Braes – the highest point within the city boundaries, giving an unrivalled view of the city and all her dear green places. Cathkin comes from Coitcheann – Common Ground.
Coitcheann (Màiri Anna NicUalraig)
Gach cluain, gach blàr,
Gach ainm, gach àit’
Gach bileag, gach blàth,
Gach bunaid, gach bàrr
Gach slighe, gach sràid,
Gach carraig, gach càrn
Gach fàrsan, gach rath’d
Gach ruigheachd, gach fàilt’
Mum choinneamh an clàr
Mum chuairt an t-àite gràidh
Glacan gorm mhic is mhàthar naoimh
Gnàth bhaile nan daoin’
Gach nighean, gach pàisd
Gach seanair, gach àl
Gach cathadh, gach càs
Gach sabaid, gach fàth
Gach beatha, gach bàs
Gach àmhghar, gach bàigh
Gach dachaigh, gach blàths
Gach cagailt, gach tàmh
Mum choinneamh an clàr
Mum chuairt an t-àite gràidh
Glacan gorm mhic is mhàthar naoimh
Gnàth bhaile nan daoin’
Gach darach, gach bàrc,
Gach aiseag, gach ràmh
Gach lùb gu sàl,
Gach camus, gach làn
Gach achadh, gach pàirc,
Gach àros, gach gàrd
Gach isean, gu h-àrd
Gach beathach, gach làr
Found (Donald MacLean)
From the dim beginning
My call has been on you
Drawing you to me
From Glengarrisdale and Mangersta
Krakow and Mumbai
Legions quietly gathering
As Callanish and DunAdd recede
Below your bones
You heard my soft whisper
And packed your bags
Of yesterday and tomorrow
With your dreams
And your brokenness
From these high fields
I watched you
Shoal in my rivers
Flock in my skies
March through my canyoned streets
And writhe on my riddled stones
So now you are here
Every one of you
Reaching skywards
Through the rain
Towards the sun
In this dear green place
Children of my longing
My earth, your cradle
Your lives, my heartbeat
Your struggles and laughter, my timeless song
This place
Our common ground
Gach luinneag, gach dàn,
Gach caithream, gach rann
Gach gàire, gach ràn,
Gach cagair, gach slàn
Gach gnìomh, gach ceàird,
Gach obair, gach àgh
Gach tarraing dhen àrc,
Gach suigeart, deoch slàint’
Mum choinneamh an clàr
Mum chuairt an t-àite gràidh
Glacan gorm mhic is mhathar naoimh
Gnàth bhaile nan daoin’
Gach eun nach d’ ràinig fàire
Gun soirbhich Glaschu
Gach glag nach d’ sheinn an àirde
Gun soirbhich Glaschu
Gach bradan nach d’ rainig sruth le fàinne
Gun soirbhich Glaschu
Gach crann nach d’ fhàs
Gun soirbhich Glaschu
Common Ground
Each meadow, each field,
Each name, each place
Each blade, each blossom,
Each root, each fruit
Each way, each street,
Each rock, each cairn
Each journey, each road,
Each arrival, each welcome
Before me the chart
Around me the dear place
Green hollow of mother and son
Perpetual city of the people
Each lass, each child,
Each elder, each generation
Each battle, each privation,
Each fight, each cause
Each life, each death,
Each pain, each joy
Each home, each warmth,
Each hearth, each rest
Before me the chart
Around me the dear place
Green hollow of mother and son
Perpetual city of the people
Each oak-ship, each barge,
Each ferry, each oar
Each twining to ocean,
Each riverbend, each tide
Each field, each park,
Each homestead, each enclosure
Each chick, on high
Each beast, each terrain
Each song, each poem,
Each rejoicing, each verse
Each laughter, each cry,
Each whisper, each farewell
Each deed, each trade,
Each effort, each joy
Each drawing of the cork,
Each cheer in drinking a health
Before me the plan
Around me the dear place,
Green hollow of the holy pair
Perpetual city of the people
Each bird that never reached horizon,
Let Glasgow Flourish,
Each bell that never raised its song,
Let Glasgow Flourish,
Each salmon that never swam with ring to the river
Let Glasgow Flourish
Each tree that never grew
Let Glasgow Flourish
More at Mary Ann Kennedy here.
As a first generation keelie of a gaelic speaking mother and four Gaelic speaking grandparents I was of course delighted by this -brought a lump to the throat and a tear to the eye! Thank you.
Pedantic point – I have always thought that Springburn Park is the highest point within the city boundary, but that does not detract from the pieces.