Ya Dancer
“The problem is the combination of Calvinism and Catholic guilt prohibits Scottish people from truly freeing themselves into the sort of unrestrained joy that would lead to real revolt…”
“The problem is the combination of Calvinism and Catholic guilt prohibits Scottish people from truly freeing themselves into the sort of unrestrained joy that would lead to real revolt…”
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Don’t know about that being strictly true???
Singin’ in the Rain?????
Where is that quote from?
Great clip. The indy movement is resilient and building momentum. Thanks for posting.
Or … it may be that any notion of revolt was kicked-out of our forbears many years ago and has been passed down to us through the generations. Given the impossibility of having a meaningful Scottish historiography while the real political power resides abroad, we’ll probably never know.
I came away from yesterday’s joyous march through Glasgow with the strong impression that those rain-soaked marchers weren’t easily going to be put back in their boxes.
I really wouldn’t want to be a member of the S.N.P. executive if they can’t, or refuse to, produce a plan B when/if Johnson says “No”.
Excess jouissance (ya bass)
T-shirt opportunity?
I come from a very Catholic background. It has been like that for generation after generation, century after century – but the Catholic church – to it gave support and meaning to my ancestors through often difficult times – no longer has any integrity, any worth. Even if people had not been moving the secularism and away from the hold of the old churches and grip of religion (not just Catholicism), the Catholic church has shown itself to be a disgrace to humanity and the rights of humans, especially the most vulnerable – those with no voice and no power – children! If the Catholic church can not protect children, it can not protect anyone, if it abuses children, it abuses humanity. I have close contact with Ireland and have heard terrible, heartbreaking stories from people themselves. So for the Catholic church to get up and pontificate who we should chose as our leaders- when they have shown no leadership, in fact have abused what leadership they have or had – that is an insult. Nor for any minister to get up and tell their congregation how to vote. We must as individuals, as humans decide for ourselves. Did our ancestors fight and lose much for the vote just to let others with vested interests how to vote? I know in Ireland, during mass, when the priests get up and pontificate about abortion, same sex marriages etc – people who were “good Catholics” get up and walk out – because they could not sit and listen to the hypocrisy and the being told how they should think, how the shoud decide – about things which were very much a personal matter – and matters that affected peoples lives. Le the churches keep to their churches and people go to the voting boths – not the churches!
Scottish samba drums.
They do rain in Brazil as well,maybe just a tad warmer.