Who’s Zoomin’ Who?

Yesterday we published about an overlooked aspect to the most recent Rangers debacle, the close ties between Scottish Labour and Glasgow Rangers. It’s not a subject we thought we’d be returning to so soon. But here we have ongoing vilification of the journalist Angela Haggerty. Yesterday on Follow Follow a thread titled: “The Hag is whipping up potential violence” showed a flavour of what she and others endure.

The comments are the predictable mix of misogyny, racism, sectarianism and bigotry.

Follow Follow is a cesspit of sectarianism edited and administered by Mark Dingwall. Dingwall was forced to resign from the Rangers Supporters Trust in 2013 following allegations of improper conduct, as the Drum reported here, adding: “The ‘Follow Follow’ fanzine, which Mr Dingwall edits was banned from Ibrox Park in 2002 amidst claims of bigotry and sectarianism.”

Twenty years on and Follow Follow is now an ‘official media partner’ at Ibrox. Progress?


So it’s certainly really weird for a mainstream corporate entity like Rangers FC to be associated with a forum that hosts such bile, but it’s even weirder for Scottish Labour to be.

In April this year Councillor Aileen Mackenzie tweeted out about Councillor Eva Murray’s campaign launch: “Had a lovely night at @EvaCMurray campaign launch. Lots of laughs and lots of inspiring chat. Eva will be a wonderful MSP.”

So far some comradely. But why is Follow Follow Mark Dingwall in the meeting?


Two questions for Deputy Leader of Glasgow City Council Eva Murray and for Scottish Leader Anas Sarwar: is Mark Dingwall a Labour Party member? and Does the content his site hosts that targets journalists like Angela Haggerty reflect Labour values?


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  1. Tom Ultuous says:

    Is the David Graham (bottom left of picture) our DUP, Sevco PR man?

  2. Doug says:

    ‘Roughly half of Scotland being Rangers fans..’ Presumably this is the same numeracy standard that insists the Conservatives under The Baronness were victorious in the Scottish elections? Other clubs are available.

  3. Paul Bassett says:

    Neo fascism for dummies – or the real thing? How the Tories are planning to attack the UK people, with a little help from ex-Trotskyists. And only Scottish indy can save us!

  4. Dee says:

    More social conditioning, surely you see the irony in all of this?

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