From Trussia with Love

In 2014 we were told relentlessly that to become an independent functioning democracy would be a hugely risky business. It was reckless to abandon the economic broad shoulders of the UK, which assured continuing membership of the EU and the sort of financial stability that a Union with our larger neighbour ensured.

It would simply be irresponsible to leave the eternal stability that such a Family of Nations offered. Plus: Nationalism Bad.

Fast forward today and millions of people face food and fuel poverty, interest rates have soared, mortgage rates have doubled, house prices and pensions have been decimated, and the pound has crashed. Now Kwasi Kwarteng has been sacked it means the UK has had four chancellors since July.

We are living through what is still being referred to under the euphemism “the cost of living crisis” in which the roaring industries are debt collection, Only Fans and hallucinogenics.

The problem we are told by earnest commentators is ‘nationalist fanatics’ who still insist on a course other than strapping ourselves to this entity that can’t decide if it’s a Shit Show or a Clown Show.

We should be content, grateful even to be in Union with leadership from a party which attracts people like Truss-supporting ‘economist’ Andrew Lilico, who assured an audience recently that he “doesn’t care about equality [because] equality is morally wrong”  – or to remain with a state that has Suella Braverman as Home Secretary who recently said … “I would love to have a front page of The Telegraph with a plane taking off to Rwanda, that’s my dream, it’s my obsession.”

Instead of the ‘strong and stable’ Britain of Theresa May or the ‘Better Together’ Britain of David Cameron we now have the ‘gurning, post-Randian calamity’ of Liz Truss’s Britain, a government in name only facing its final days. But in a uniquely British twist there is no mechanism to end this nightmare. Certainly not as Scotland, but neither too as Britain. We must await the Dignitas-like end game of the Tory party to replace one disaster with the next as Britain circles the drain and drags Scotland down with it.

Comments (10)

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  1. Torry Joe says:

    Top marks Mike. Exactly the situation/position we are in. Gotta get oot. Thanks.

  2. SleepingDog says:

    I don’t think ‘the cost of living crisis’ is a euphemism. It really does imply that many people cannot afford survival. And it does have some dignity, as the GQ article says.

    But yes, the point is that our system of politics is owned by the few. Not the many. It is proprietary. What we need is more open source, white box, transparent politics. However, this should contain life, non-human and human alike, as a constitutionally protected and overriding principle, otherwise we might just lurch from one life-threatening crisis to another.

    New political systems will have be developed and tested, and this will be easier when large unreformable blocs like the British Empire are finally dismantled.

  3. James Mills says:

    Kwasi gone ? Not to worry !
    Jeremy Hunt who takes so much of the credit for the current state of the English NHS is now in charge of the UK’s economy .
    What could possibly go wrong ?

  4. Robbie says:

    We’ve heard it all before ,”the inmates are running the asylum” “ would you get into a car with a blind man driving” well the truth is “ Scotland “ WE ARE In that situation, the answer lays with us ,get out now , Independence Is the only way out of this load of bollocks.

  5. Squigglypen says:

    UDI….or go down the toilet with the Sassenachs.
    For Scotland!

  6. Gavinochiltree says:

    Truss rips up her election manifesto, and sacks those daft enough to stand close to her.
    She is copying Keir Starmer, who has done EXACTLY the same thing.

    Rule Bruritania, Bruritania waves the rules.
    Always, ever, ever, ever, led by fools.

    Has someone kidnapped DRossie?
    He must be desperate to pledge allegiance to this sinking ship.
    Or not. Or maybe ummm, er. Or the other thing!

    I name this vessel SS Vacillate, DRossie, gawd help all who sail in her.

  7. Derek+Williams says:

    Truss + Kwarteng: Selling the farm to pay for the animals.

    Truss + anyone else: ^^^

  8. Alex McCulloch says:

    Change will only happen if we engage people with a compelling alternative.

    1. dave says:

      Correct Alex. Fact: There will never be an engagement of people under the NU-S.N.P. The British leader F.M. Sturgeon along with the 95% English owned Media up here has blacked out how rich Scotland actually is, not only in finances, but in our culture including our history.

      That’s why I left the NU-S.N.P. a few years ago and joined ALBA as soon as Alex Salmond accepted the leadership.
      It is not about any particular individual but about our independence. Nothing more nothing less. The engagement and facts will and are coming from Alba, ISP, and all true independence groups etc.
      Once our true rich financial, culture and Scottish history (not English as we are taught at school) are known to the 50% non-yes Scots the yes will grow to 70-75%. that’s what terrifies F.M. Sturgeon and of course the English aristocrats, our colonizers.

      Admiral Thomas Cochrane, James Grainger, Ian Binnie to name just a very few names. Do you know who they are? Have you ever heard of them?

  9. dave says:

    Mike Small: The dog and pony show which the NU-S.N.P. call a convention proves once again that the NU-S.N.P. executive are unionists with no intention of doing anything to get our independence. As usual the British F.M. introduced her new pretend plan for independence.

    First, she had Ian Blackford who loves his life at Westminster, do his impression of Liz Truss. Wow! A dug and pony show at its best.
    Question: How did that benefit our independence?

    F.M. Sturgeon called for the resignation of Liz Truss.
    Question: How does that help or benefit our getting independence? She wasted about 9 years doing the same delay agenda since 2014.

    Question: Why is Mhairi Black telling the English Tories in Scotland to grow a backbone? Shouldn’t she be growing one herself and demanding that her leader Ms. Sturgeon declare independence immediately?
    The NU-S.N.P. can talk all they want about things for after independence. That means nothing, just another delay. We don’t have independence and never will under the unionist led NU-S.N.P.

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