Solidarity with Ukraine! Solidarity with the Workers of Ukraine!

Meeting this Saturday wo show Solidarity with Ukraine and Solidarity with the Workers of Ukraine! Includes speakers from the recent Ukraine Solidarity Campaign delegation to Ukraine:

– Chris Ford (Ukraine Solidarity Campaign)
– Alena Ivanova (Another Europe is Possible)

All welcome.

10.30am, Saturday 22nd October
Novotel Hotel at the corner of West Regent St and Pitt St. Glasgow

Ukraine Solidarity Campaign:

Organised by Ukraine Solidarity Campaign(Scotland). PCS, ASLEF, and the NUM are affiliated to the USC at a national level. Affiliates in Scotland include local GMB, Unite, NUJ and ASLEF branches.

Comments (8)

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  1. Malcolm Kerr says:

    But not solidarity with the workers of Russia, presumably? Why not?

    1. I’m sure people have sympathy and solidarity with Russian workers. But the state of Russia has invaded a sovereign state and carried out atrocities against Ukraninian civilians – do you have anything to say about that Malcolm?

      1. Malcolm Kerr says:

        I do. I condemn the Russian state but express solidarity with Russia’s people. For what it’s worth, I also condemn the USA for its lethal interventions (often by proxy) in Yemen, Palestine, Iraq, etc. Oh, and Ukraine, btw.

        1. Derek Thomson says:

          And that proxy is often (usually) the plucky, freedom-loving Brits, raining down death and destruction whilst preaching freeman moxy all over the globe. The problem that I have is that the information that I get regarding the rights and wrongs of this war is coming from people and organisations that I know to be liars. I have known them to twist the truth and use crude propaganda for their own ends. Right from the word go, as soon as Russia crossed the official Ukranian border, we (the UK) were in like Flynn, the new Churchill flying out of the traps with weapon upon weapon, no matter the cost, no matter that it would (and has) prolong(ed) the conflict. We declared war on Russia, training troops and blatantly supporting one side whilst sanctifying the other, as if there had never been any Ukrainian atrocities committed anywhere ever, which is quite clearly not the case. The laying out of dead Russian conscripts in a Z shape to taunt Russian mothers was a clear war crime (in amongst many, by both sides.) The whole geopolitics of the situation has been replaced by a simple black and white portrayal of good v evil and it’s not, it’s just not. It’s just another example of the hell of war, cheered on by the usual suspects. And as for the Ukranian refugees so warmly welcomed into British homes when people are throwing stones and cancelling their subscriptions supporting the RNLI for daring to try to rescue desperate people fleeing wars, well Ukranians are white, eh? I am not one of Putin’s useful idiots, I refuse to be described as that just because I don’t accept the story put before me by the British state.

  2. Paddy Farrington says:

    Good to see the trade union movement supporting this initiative. Apologists for Putin and his reactionary regime, whoever and wherever they are, need to be called out. Unsurprisingly, there are plenty on the far right all over Europe. But let’s not be complacent: some may also be found on the fringes of the Yes movement here in Scotland. Self-determination for Scotland, but not for the people of Ukraine, it seems.

  3. greenergood says:

    ‘The laying out of dead Russian conscripts in a Z shape to taunt Russian mothers’: I have googled this in various formats, and have found no evidence of this. Could you please give a link to this? I’ve not seen many, if any, accounts of Ukrainian military exacting revenge on Russian military (except perhaps on Russian news sites?), compared to Russian acts of revenge on both military and, even more so, civilian individuals. Would be interested to view your information sites, to possibly provide a balance.

    1. Derek Thomson says:

      This is the Gods honest truth, I saw it in the Daily Mail. There was an accompanying gloating article. On their website, obviously. I’m not trying to win an argument of score a point here, there’s nothing to be won, it’s utterly hellish. I just hate being lied to.

      1. greenergood says:

        No Derek, not trying to play the ‘just show me’ game. I’m also amazed that this article appeared in the Daily Mail – I know they are committed to sensationalism of any kind, but would have thought they would’ve been more aligned with posting sensational stories about Russian atrocities, seeing as they were all in with Boris Johnson’s ‘Churchillian’ support of Ukraine. But outrage gets attention and sells no matter where it comes from. I’ve no doubt that there are bad deeds from the Ukrainian side, but also surmise that Ukrainian bad deeds are proportionally minimal compared to their Russian counterparts. Ukraine has a real reason to fight, and to maintain standards, while Russian conscripts are treated like trash and are conscripted to fight for something they couldn’t give a s— about. Have I fallen for NATO propaganda? Mebbe – don’t care – after years of being anti-nuclear, I still am, but I think I see this conflict as something that shouldn’t fall into the ‘tankie’ conflict category. It’s World War III, not necessariy with nuclear weapons, but with major, global, realignments, that we will be reviewing, calculating, measuring for years to come – if we make it through the next few months.

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