Operation Gloves Off

God I love this story. The Tories are chock full of new groups outbidding each other in proposals for more and more wildly reckless and far-fetched ideas. Now, in an exclusive by Tim Shipman, Caroline Wheeler and Harry Yorke in the Sunday Times, they have launched a ‘war on woke’.

A group named the ‘New Conservatives’ also have a cunning plan to re-route the Rwanda policy if, as expected, it gets shut down for breaking of multiple human rights laws. Instead of being sent to Rwanda immigrants will be sent to ‘remote Scottish islands’.

Where are they thinking? Suggestions please.

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  1. Carlynn McNally says:


  2. CathyW says:

    Oh good – maybe if they send folk to ‘remote Scottish islands’ (remote from London, presumably) this would ensure a) a welcome boost to the local communities and b) working ferries would be provided to get them there…

    1. Welsh_Siôn says:

      … b) working ferries would be provided to get them there…


      Isn’t that a given, Cathy W? With all of the journos reporting this having some sort of maritime link:

      – Ship-man
      – (Ship’s) Wheel(er)
      – H.(M.S.) (Duke of) York(e)

      Sea what I did there? 🙂

  3. Antoine Bisset says:

    Hardly surprising that we hold the English in disdain when they so freely suggest that our beautiful land should be used as a dumping ground for illegal immigrants. Why don’t they actually police their coasts and prevent them arriving? Why do they not return these people to the coasts from which they departed?
    Why do people still vote for such cowardly, arrogant, incompetent political parties?

    1. Karen A Donald says:

      They aren’t illegal until they have been processed. And even then 70% of them are granted asylum. The Tory government aren’t allowing them to be processed and instead they are sending them to Rwanda. And did you know they are going to be sending their refugees to us ? Isn’t that nice ? And it’s breaking multiple UNHCR rules and treaties. And they know it. They have no intention of following this through, they are simply baiting the worst of their far right racist and fascist voters. And there’s money to be made.

      1. Antoine Bisset says:

        Legal arrivals go through Customs etc. Arriving by boat without papers is criminal. None of these arrivals are refugees according to UN protocols. France and the previous countries through which they have travelled are “safe”so the immigrants who have passed through these countries are, by definition, here illegally.

        1. Dunky McKay says:

          My previous comment stands. The press cutting refers to migrants being housed on remote Scottish Islands – it gives no clue as to how or why these migrants ended up in the UK. The rest of the article which I haven’t seen may be more explicit but it seems to me that to assume that they arrived illegally without any detail is to fall in to the Tory trap.

    2. Dunky McKay says:

      The press cutting doesn’t mention “illegal immigrants”; it just says migrants. The problem the Tories have always had is that they neither know nor care that there is a difference between economic migrants and asylum seekers. The last figures I heard quoted by Lord Keir indicated that over 80% of people arriving in small boats were determined to be refugees when their cases were eventually resolved. I would urge anybody who genuinely empathises with those fleeing persecution to read this article.


    3. Niemand says:

      ‘We’? Speak for yourself. I don’t hold the English in disdain.

  4. Alan C says:

    A safe third country, so they acknowledge Scotland is a country? That’s a start.

    1. Alan C says:

      Oh for an edit function.

  5. Tom Ultuous says:

    Unlikely they’d send them here given they’d be likely YES voters. If there’s ever a successful border poll in Ireland then you’ll see generous relocation packages given to Loyalists to relocate to Scotland.

  6. Alan Coventry says:

    Déjà vu from 1989.
    Then it was the idea that the Hong Kong Chinese should be deposited on some Scottish Island.

  7. Niemand says:


    In the UK, I think it classes as the remotest inhabited island. My experience of visiting was ‘mixed’. For migrants it could make Rwanda look quite appealing.

    1. Alan C says:

      Ironic that Foula can only be accessed by small boat sinse they stoped the flights from Tingwall.

      1. Niemand says:

        I did not know that. It was a while ago I visited.

        When we went, we went by boat which was one of the roughest and scariest boat journeys I have made and very long. We then got stranded by the weather for several days (no boat, no plane) and had to beg food (some locals declined, very strange bunch tbh). A plane did eventually find a window to travel (the wind died down briefly) and as we sat on the very small plane (8-seater?) on the runway, the pilot turned round to us and said, anyone not got a ticket? One person said yes and he asked them to get off. We didn’t know why. Half hour later we landed at Kirkwall and the pilot turned round again and said, ‘I am glad I asked that person to get off as we had enough trouble getting off the ground as it was’.

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