Operation “Joint Warrior” – Bombing Cape Wrath

As you read this another NATO war fleet has assembled off the North West coast of Sutherland. George Gunn writes: “There are 19 vessels – warships and submarines – from 10 countries participating and firing live ordinance at the lonely sea stack known as An Garbh Eilean, just off Cape Wrath. In addition there are 20 aircraft involved and 2000 military personnel on the ground throughout the West Highland seaboard. Operation “Joint Warrior” is a twice yearly NATO training exercise and a flexing for the world to see of military power. From October 22nd to November 2nd significant areas of the North West Highlands are off limits to civilians. The majority of people in Scotland are oblivious to the militarisation of their country.”

This is just part of the wider militarisation of Scotland that acts as a dumping ground for the British state.

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Comments (4)

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  1. SteveH says:

    An independent Scotland would still need a UK military shield for its defense. It just wouldn’t want to contribute financially to it.

    As Irish citizens still do today, Scots would go in significant number to England to be a part of it, to enlist in a real armed forces.

    Did you know the RAF still provides air cover for the Republic of Ireland?

    Until human nature changes, war will be with us for many generations, and with the deterrence that an effective military brings with it.

    We live in a dangerous world. Do you think the unscrupulous non-Western, totalitarian states we currently uneasily coexist with wouldn’t assert themselves to get what they want?

    How many other countries would be attacked by Putin without NATO there?

    We only have International laws and standards because NATO is there.

    Your article is a luxury belief.

    1. Hugh McShane says:

      Disingenuous remark re. Irish airspace cover- UK /Nato demand small or neutral country support under their umbrella- intriguing to see an assertion that Irish,+ by extension, independent Scottish citizens seek military related careers in other’s countries?

    2. Madeline Usher says:

      Denmark is the model an Indy Scotland should follow. A proud NATO country and small country willing to do its bit. Turning into yet another cowardly small neutral nation is running away from the difficult choices that need to be made on international affairs.

      Would hate to see Scotland turn into a nation that co-opts hard military decisions to big countries while we sit back tell stories about moral superiority.

  2. John says:

    I despair sometimes at the disconnect from truth and honesty the usual suspects ( Kingdomists in the main) have. Then I am reminded that “by way of deceit “ is their MO and many know nothing else . To be pitied if they weren’t so damaging to most people.
    Irish military has a waiting list whilst the king’s men are more difficult to find. If they only looked among the homeless they will find literally thousands of their heroes.
    Real military like the murderous IDF . Don’t fret , the Kingdomists Special forces are already in Israel defending your cause.

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