A new edition of Scrabble in Gaelic is being released in time for Christmas. The project is the brainchild of Teàrlach Wilson, the founding director of the cafe and Gaelic cultural centre An Taigh Cèilidh in Stornoway on Lewis. The Gaelic version will contain only the 18 letters found in the Gaelic alphabet (there is no J, K, Q, V, W, X, Y or Z ), and includes the grave accent on vowels À È Ì Ò and Ù.
Scrabble is available in 28 languages, which means that Gaelic is joining an international family of languages as number 29 and the 3rd Celtic language (after Welsh and Irish).
Scrabble Gàidhlig, is available for pre-order now from An Taigh Cèilidh’s online store for £35.
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I’ve ordered mine. Cant wait!