Where Do We Go From Here? A Post-Election Assessment

Join Naomi Klein, Chenjerai Kumanyika, Astra Taylor, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor for a post-election assessment and urgent conversation about how to chart a path forward.

How does the Left—in the US and internationally—squarely face the myriad challenges that confront us and find ways to build effective movements for the world we need?

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  1. Iain MacLean says:

    Where do we go from here?

    uk, will try to navigate some invisible line between the EU and US. The result, no benefit to the uk, including the ‘special relationship’ as the those in the US will see it as being half hearted by a very junior partner! The EU will merely scratch its collective head in polite frustration!

    The ‘special relationship’, is overt brown nosing on the international stage, yet portrayed at home as being punching above one’s weight, crafty statesmanship and patriotic!?

    Let’s be blunt, Trump is an oaf, money runs through his fingers and he will bend to whom ever is pulling his strings and what ever he believes is in his interests above all else.

    The uk (Scotland did not!) pooped it’s pants with brexit, it now has little option but to tread a precarious and nonsensical foreign policy of cosying up to an idiot whilst antagonising is nearest and dearest neighbours!

    And for us in particular, we look across the North Channel and see our Celtic cousins firmly in bed with the EU, best of pals with the US and twice the GDPP of Scotland!

    The uk – US relationship should mean little to Scotland, we should have our own relationship as an independent country with the US and not an English Region.

    Why we find ourselves in this position beggars belief!!!

  2. SleepingDog says:

    I watched the previous get-together too.

    Naomi Klein might be right about reclaiming the ‘pro-Life’ term, but wrong, I feel, that ‘all life is sacred’ and not disposable. A firefighter risking their life in a burning forest is not making a wrong sacrifice. While if Life is a value-generating phenomena* then we should be aware that the ethics of the Wolf is different in kind from the ethics of the sheep. An integrated worldview? Yes, of course.

    A problem for this kind of retrospective on the USAmerican result is that the system of representation and general election is simply a means to bloodlessly remove an unpopular government and replace it with an as-yet-not-so unpopular one. We can see where this lesser-evil approach to politics leads, and it isn’t toward good government. You could easily argue that it was the citizens’ responsibility to remove a government so evil for planet and people, just as the next one is forecast to be. This and all the fundamental flaws of partisan politics.

    *yes, but is Life singular or plural in our Universe?

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