Merry Christmas 2024

This looks like a Marx Santa to me. Wishing all my readers and writers and commentors (?) a Merry Christmas, and hoping you have peaceful a time whatever you’re doing. I’m taking a few days off. Thanks for all that you bring to the site.

Comments (13)

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  1. Jane Shallice says:

    Thank you Mike for producing such a consistently stimulating set of articles, with a clear political position that has no truck with the apologists and creepers. Given all that we are facing in the next period, we need Bella Caledonia.

    1. Thanks so much Jane, have a great holiday

    2. Daniel Raphael says:

      Well said.

  2. Andrew Wilson says:

    Nollaig chridheil

  3. Claire McNab says:

    Merry Christmas to you too, Mike.

    Thanks again for all the wonderful work you to do in many different ways to keep Bella such a special place.

  4. Willie Macleod says:

    Thanks Mike for Bella Caledonia in 2024 it’s scope and coverage of the arts and politics is unique and matters Looking forward to 2025

  5. Eric Morrison says:

    Merry Christmas to you all
    Keep the Santa flag flying high!!

  6. SleepingDog says:

    If you like midwinter mythological beings, Röki might be worth a look at how such traditions can be represented in games:
    I’ve only just played chapter 1, though.

  7. Richard Capron says:

    Diolch. Nadolig llawen!

  8. Daniel Raphael says:

    Merry Marxmas to you, Michael–and thanks for making Bella the outstanding site it is.

    1. Daniel Lamont says:

      I would just add my thanks and appreciation to the foregoing.

    2. Thanks so much Daniel! All the best, Mike

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