Happy New Year 2024/5

Happy New Year to all my readers and writers. I hope the year ahead is a good one for you all…Be well.

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  1. MrVertigo says:

    Happy New Year to you too, Mike! xxx

  2. Bill MacGonigal says:

    As no New Year celebration in Edinburgh, will 2024 have to be repeated?

    1. Derek Thomson says:

      No, the Hootsmon will just (as they did a few years ago) show photographs of happy smiling people enjoying the festivities when in fact they had been cancelled.

  3. GordonD says:

    In hard times we could do worse than follow Woody Guthrie’s New Years Rulins (resolutions) from 1943: look after yourself, care for others, wake up and fight.

  4. Willie Macleod says:

    Happy New Year to you Mike and Bella Caledonia

  5. Mary says:

    I always find your blogs really interesting- Wishing you a Happy, Prosperous, and Peaceful New Year – Slainte!

    1. Thanks Mary, Happy New Year!

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