Festival of Economics
Scotland’s biggest Festival of Economics takes place in Dundee on March 21st and 22nd 2025, at which academics, activists, economists, policymakers, politicians and the public come together to discuss people, place and planet. It’s a great lineup including Brett Christophers, Andy Wightman, Aileen McLeod (Director of WeAll Scotland), Danny Dorling, Clara Mattei and many more.
You can book your tickets here (£50 for both days) or £20 for online.
5.15 pm – 6 pm. The Scottish Economy
In this introductory session, we will discuss the amazing, the good, the bad, and the downright shocking parts of Scotland’s economy.
6 pm – 7 pm. MMT Moving From Description to Prescription
MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) has made its name in highlighting monetary operations in the ‘real world’. But what practical policies can be adopted from this understanding? It is now time for governments to be able to do ‘MMT’. A panel of MMT economists will discuss the move from process to policy.
Speakers: Dirk Ehnts and Eric Tymoigne.
7.15 pm – 8.05 pm. Scotland’s Wellbeing Economy
A significant amount of work has been done describing, defining, and demonstrating what a wellbeing economy in Scotland should look like. But is anyone listening? Our panel of Wellbeing experts will discuss how we move forward with a well-being economy in 2025.
Speakers: Professor Marion Ellison, Queen Margaret University and Aileen McLeod, Director of WEAll Scotland
8.20 pm – 9. 05 pm. Ending Austerity
With Danny Dorling, Professor of Human Geography at the University of Oxford, and Clara Mattei, Associate Professor in the Economics Department of The New School for Social Research, discuss the origins and impact of austerity in the UK and how we can escape the austerity trap in Scotland.
9.10 pm – 10.00. Who Owns Scotland
Our largest businesses and much of our land are foreign-owned. Most of our infrastructure is owned by international Asset Managers and Hedge Funds. How do we pivot to an economy that better serves people, place, and planet?
Speakers: Brett Christophers, Professor of Human Geography at Uppsala University and author of several books on economics, including The Price Is Wrong and Our Lives In Their Portfolios—Why Asset Managers Own The World and Andy Wightman, Land Reform Campaigner, and Author The Poor Had No Lawyers: Who Owns Scotland and How They Got It.
Both Friday and Saturday in person £50
Saturday in person £30
£20 online (includes all recorded sessions from Friday and Saturday)
Sessions include*:
The Euro: A short history. And a warning for the future
The Next Crisis: What We Think About the Future
SCOTONOMICS Small Nation Series: Digital Estonia
A Resilient Scotland: Food Security – How resilient is our food supply, use, and habits?
A Resilient Scotland: Energy Security – How resilient is our energy supply and generation?
(Un)Economic Growth – How is growth ‘trending’? Can it ever be sustainable or green? Or is it already damaging?
Financialisation – What happens to an economy and a society when financial institutions and markets rule the roost?
The Continued Blight of Inequality and Poverty – How do poverty and inequality impact Scotland’s economy and society? And what can we all do about it?
Telling Tales and Busting Economic Myths – Why We Need to Tell Better Stories
In Conversation with Author Danny Dorling with Andy Verity, BBC Economics Correspondent
In Conversation with Author Brett Christophers with Andy Verity, BBC Economics Correspondent
In Conversation with Author Clara Mattei with Andy Verity, BBC Economics Correspondent
Andy Wightman also doing a book (re)launch at Edinburgh’s Pilrig St. Paul’s Church on 11th February. Details: