Ceasefire In Gaza: Israel Continues to Kill Palestinians

As the ceasefire in Gaza goes into effect, the Israeli army has launched widespread attacks against the West Bank. In this episode of “This is Palestine,” host Diana Buttu speaks with IMEU’s (Institute for Middle East Understanding) Sarah Abu Alrob about the ceasefire agreement breaking down what is means for Palestinians.

The episode also delves into the Trump’s administration’s actions giving Israel the green light to fully illegally annex the West Bank.

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  1. Alasdair MacVarish says:

    The Zionists waged terror long before the state of Israel was declared in 1948. The West has ignored all the UN resolutions in favour of Palestinians and allows Israel to blockade Gaza and the West Bank. A show of force with a couple of warships off the coast at Tel Aviv is all that would be needed to bring about change — good use for UK’s white elephant £3bn aircraft carriers. Starmer is an arch Zionist and supported Israels decisio to deny Gazans food, fuel and water. 30% of the Labour government are members of Labour Friends of Israel and the Israeli lobby is increasingly influential in UK.

  2. Hugh McShane says:

    More people ought to know that!

  3. Derek Thomson says:

    They’re also still murdering people in South Lebanon. There’s very good video on Craig Murray’s site about it (sorry, Mike.)

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