Reasons To Be Fearful… Parts 1, 2 and 3
The weekend just passed has been quite an eye-opener for anyone looking for clues as to what the future holds should Scots choose continuity rule from London. While its one thing to be positive about the very real possibilities of building a better country to live in its also necessary to look at the alternative.
We can thank the American patriot Edward Snowden for lifting the lid on a sinister can of worms that the British state would have preferred to keep secret from its own citizens. The Guardian broke the story on Friday:
“Britain’s spy agency GCHQ has secretly gained access to the network of cables which carry the world’s phone calls and internet traffic and has started to process vast streams of sensitive personal information which it is sharing with its American partner, the National Security Agency (NSA).
The sheer scale of the agency’s ambition is reflected in the titles of its two principal components: Mastering the Internet and Global Telecoms Exploitation, aimed at scooping up as much online and telephone traffic as possible. This is all being carried out without any form of public acknowledgement or debate.”
The Guardian revealed that behind the backs of British people a secret operation codenamed Tempora was data-trawling on a colossal and indiscriminate basis. Edward Snowden described it as part of “the largest programme of suspicionless surveillance in human history”.
Operation Tempora tells us much about the thinking that goes on behind the cooing rhetoric of “security” we hear from the usual suspects. The UK government distrusts and fears its own people. John Pilger is correct in describing this as the rise of a new kind of fascism.
While this gives us an insight into the ugly reality of what lies in store for Scotland if we opt to remain part of the UK it was two other media reports at the weekend which shine some much needed light.
A sane, responsible or compassionate government would be working overtime to make sure its citizens were protected against the worst excesses of increasing poverty and inequality. Instead the London government have chosen a scorched earth policy when it comes to the public services and system of welfare which were designed to protect the most vulnerable and needy in our society during hard times.
The Guardian (under the headline in bold above) again detailed what’s around the next few corners:
“First, the scale of what is being proposed is mind-boggling for all departments, except those with protected spending: health, education and international aid. Every time cuts are ordered, the more difficult they become to identify. New Labour’s internal rows were often between ministers wanting bigger slices of an increasing spending cake. Now the reverse is happening.
Based on figures provided by the Resolution Foundation, Cable’s business department can expect by 2015-16 to have endured cuts in its annual expenditure limit of around a third compared with 2010-11. The same is true for Eric Pickles’ Department for Communities and Local Government. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s spending is likely to have almost halved and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office will have endured cuts of more than 50%.
And everyone in Whitehall knows worse is to come. “Ministers realise they have to make the arguments for their budgets now or else next time there will be almost nothing left to defend,” said one Whitehall source.
If things look tough up to 2016, projections from bodies such as the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Resolution Foundation begin to look downright scary for unprotected departments after that, unless whatever government is in power puts up taxes or slashes welfare further.
The Resolution Foundation estimates that after the £11.5bn of cuts for 2015-16 to be announced by Osborne on Wednesday, a further £26bn will have to be shorn from spending by 2018 by whoever is in power if the books really are to balance.
And that will mean cutting even deeper and faster than we are doing now. The current rate of cuts will deliver only £16bn of the £26bn needed.
The foundation has calculated what the impact that hitting £26bn might be on unprotected departments by 2018. It says that in theory Cable’s department could have shrunk by then by a giant 45.1% compared with 2010-11. The Home Office would be smaller by 45.8%, defence by 38.2%, the Foreign Office 64.3%, and Communities and Local Government 54.9%.”
This will be inhumane and brutal for all those affected but it needs to be stressed there is no electoral knight in red armour waiting in the wings. Opposition leader Ed Miliband made it clear this week that should the Labour Party be elected in 2015 his party will NOT be repealing these austerity cuts.
In a speech to Labour’s National Policy Forum Miliband was unequivocal:
“Nobody here should be under any illusions: the next Labour government will have to plan in 2015 for falling departmental spending.
“Our starting point for 2015-16 is that we won’t be able to reverse the cuts in day-to-day current spending unless it is fully funded from savings elsewhere or extra revenue, not from more borrowing.
“So when George Osborne stands up next week and announces his cuts in day-to-day spending, we won’t be able to promise now to reverse them because we’ve got to be absolutely crystal clear about where the money is coming from.
“We will show the discipline the challenge of our times demand. It is the only way we can credibly change our country. It’s a hard reality.
“I am clear about it. Ed Balls is clear about it. And everyone in the Labour Party should be clear about it too.”
As if this wasn’t bad enough an Oxfam Scotland report published on Thursday – the full report can be found here Our Economy – stated that:
“Scotland is one of the most unequal societies in the developed world. The wealthiest households are 273 times richer than the poorest households. This looks likely to widen in future years.
“In 2012 Scotland’s 100 richest men and women increased their fortunes to £21bn, up from a combined wealth of £18bn in 2011. These deepening inequalities are accentuated by the declining progressivity of the UK tax and benefits system – which should address rather than exacerbate inequality.”
Judith Robertson, head of Oxfam Scotland, told the BBC that she believed “the existing economic model was not working.”
She said: “Despite decades of economic growth and a myriad of anti-poverty policies, the reality for too many Scots is a cocktail of high mortality, economic inactivity, mental and physical ill-health, poor educational attainment and exclusion from the decisions that affect them.
“This is a structural problem caused by the economy. If we are serious about tackling these issues, then our politicians and policymakers need to make a fundamental change. Without that change, poverty and inequality will continue to shame us and drag all of us down for generations to come.”
(NOTE: The structural problems of the UK economy may be a mystery to most people but Margaret Cuthbert did us all a favour with her recent Reid Foundation paper, The Mismanagement of Britain, which explained the inherent problems with the UK economic model.)
The future of the UK has been laid bare this weekend. Its an unappeasing and remorselessly bleak future of widening inequality, crushing poverty, painful austerity and indiscriminate surveillance of the people. If nothing else we can at least be thankful that this reality has now been brought out into the open. Its up to us to make sure that everyone who enters the polling booths in 2014 is fully informed of what a No vote will mean.
‘GCHQ Tap fibre-optic cables for secret access to world’s communications’. (Guardian, 21st June 2013)
‘Osbourne’s cuts will shape the economy – and the future role of the state’ (Guardian, 22nd June 2013)
‘Miliband: Labour won’t reverse Osbourne’s cuts’ (Sunday Herald, 23rd June 2013)
‘Scotland’s inequality widens, claim Oxfam‘ (BBC, 20th June 2013)
‘Understanding the latest leaks is understanding the rise of a new fascism’ (John Pilger, 20th June 2013)
‘The Mismanagement of Britain’ (Reid Foundation, April 2013)
What really frightens me is that Closberon are about the business of dismantling the state’s responsibilities towards those who can’t defend themselves. The super-rich are extended the same passe de train-bleu they ever were – and the lower middle classes of Englandshire cheer because they prefer seeing someone worse off shat on than someone who can afford some pain challenged. There are subtle and various ways this feeds into the Yes debate, but ultimately I don’t believe civil society in Scotland has the necessary ignorance its English counterpart(s) display to accept this. Conclusion – adios amigos. Better together – but our own together. Everything you stand for we distance ourselves from.
Truly 1984 has arrived a wee bit late,but it has arrived.
Perspective is a fascinating thing. While you found fear this weekend, I spent it in incredibly exciting discussion at a Scottish Fabians / Labour Women’s Net / Co-op event about how to use the powers we have and empower people through real reform, not just shifting and cementing national power and pretending that changes anything.
It’s kind of incredible to stick to the ‘UKOK’ mantra in light of what’s been revealed daily about covert operations, infiltration, malpractice, surveillance and corruption in the British security services and the police. This is is about the British State Duncan, something that the Fabians and Women’s Net aren’t really going to have any impact on, ever. This is about state power and its institutionalized abuse. I’m totally into discussing any radical reforms you are considering (you gave no details) but this doesnt address the substance of Kevin’s article, at all, does it?
Quote Duncan “how to use the powers we have and empower people through real reform”.
Did some of these “real reforms” include moving power from Holyrood to councils. The last vestige of unionist power in Scotland.
Shifting national boundaries allows Scotland to rid itself of Trident, end participation in illegal wars and end the bedroom Tax to mention just Three major changes.
How do you arrive at the conclusion …….”pretending that changes anything.”
Duncan I don’t see you as an enemy of a YES vote. I see you as someone I want to engage in discussion. That’s why the referendum is in 2014, it’s to allow time for a discussion. It’s also harder for the side that’s lying to keep their porkies going.
“The Sleeper Must Awaken”
If those alternatives are as “incredibly exciting” as you suggest dare we to be allowed some detail?
Happy to oblige. The detail has been front centre from the start- independence would allow the people of Scotland to elect the government of their choice.
That is the only question in the referendum and the only thing that a yes vote would change. The opportunities afterwards are there to be defined and taken democratically, although we can speculate about and hope for a nuclear weapon free country, an economy built on the solid foundations of good education and good jobs, and a written constitution to guarantee our rights as citizens.
Perspective is a fascinating thing. While you found fear this weekend, I spent it in incredibly exciting discussion at a Titanic Memorial event about how to rearrange the deckchairs on a sinking ship to make sure everyone has a nice view while the boat sinks, not just making sure there are escape rafts for those who want to abandon the sinking ship and pretending that changes anything.
Would ‘No’ mean Boris as PM and Ukip driving the agenda?
Since UKIP already drive the agenda, I’d say that would be the case…
I can’t keep up with all these Union benefits 🙁
The capacity of the Hothersalls of this country to blindly ignore the elephant in the room that is about to trample them in to dust is really quite depressing, and explains a lot about the Labour mindset that puts the interests of Labour at the forefront of their every thought and utterance. The visceral hatred they display day after day towards the SNP is equally depressing and damaging the very people Labour were created to represent. That is why Labour in their present form are losers and will continue to be so in Scotland. Scottish Unionist MPs, have been for decades the ‘End up a Peer Show,’ full of puppets and gravy train riders. 2014 will see them parked in the museum.
If Scotland rejects this opportunity of a fresh start and clings to its role as a province in the failing British state it is dooming itself to another decade or so of obscurity and decline.
For Britain’s failure is etched across the history of the 20th century. Once a world power, Britain has declined to the status of an acolyte of America, a process confirmed by the debacle of the Suez invasion in 1956. After that humiliation, in the words of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Britain chose “permanent subordination to American policy”.
But even worse is the deadly trade Britain has chosen to follow in an effort to make a living. It is now the second largest purveyor of armaments in the world, unashamedly selling its wares to any state with the money to pay for them, regardless of ethics or domestic policies. So customers like Saddam Hussein and Libya’s Gaddafi were welcome guests at British arms fairs before being seamlessly replaced by their successors. Most recently honoured guests included Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Saudi Arabia, ranked 161, 162 and 163 respectively out of 167 in the Economist’s Democracy Index.
Surely Scotland deserves better.