Backing Bella

YES March & Rally for Scottish Independence.  Image by Ivon Bart

The time for complaining about the media is over, now it’s time to change it. Help us develop in this crucial year ahead.

In October we reached our highest readership figures ever – that was over 370,000 views and more than 267,000 unique visitors in one month. We have over 10,000 who follow our site by email and almost the same amount of followers on Twitter. Last month we published the first in a new series by George Rosie – another milestone in developing this as a platform for quality writing, alongside over 40 other contributors. But now we need to progress things further, so we’re asking you to support us by pledging money to our campaign here.

One of the most important outcomes of the referendum debate is the flowering of writing and thinking about Scotland’s future. On the pro-independence side there is probably no-one who has brought more compelling writing to our screens than Bella. Scotland will do well to support this flowering of new voices and different perspectives.
– Robin McAlpine, Director of the Jimmy Reid Foundation, Editor of the Scottish Left Review

Bella Caledonia is vibrant, vital, daring and controversial and its opening up a new space for thought and action beyond the rigid confines of “politics.
– Ewan Morrison,  Glenfiddich Spirit of Scotland Writer of the Year Award 2012 

Bella Caledonia has been providing lively, challenging & original insights into the state of the nation since 2007. As we approach the referendum, Bella will play a key role in helping us to understand the cultural undercurrents of the independence debate. I am proud to have been a contributor to the first print edition of Bella Caledonia (Balmoral Buyout) and hope others will join me in providing what support they can to this worthwhile endeavour.
– Andy Wightman, land campaigner and author

Bella has been hugely important in broadening the debate on Scotland’s future. It’s cultural contribution in recent years has enriched our national life. At a time when the indigenous media is in decline it is vital that high quality online ventures focused on Scotland, like Bella, are given every support and encouragement.
– Joan McAlpine, MSP
Bella Caledonia occupies an incredibly important space in the debate about how life could and should be in a progressive Scotland. The quality and diversity of the contributors, the depth and range of the content and the challenge that it poses makes for both intelligent rabble rousing and consciousness raising on level that no other platform in Scotland can match. As we go forth into what is arguably the most significant debate of a generation the role of Bella will be even more significant and we must ensure it’s reach is supported to enable as many people as possible to reclaim and own the debate about our collective future.
– Elaine Morrison
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Comments (3)

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  1. Ken500 says:

    What has happened to Wings over Scotland

    1. bellacaledonia says:

      What do you mean?

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