Compare and Contrast…
The laziest cliché of the Indy debate so far has been the siren call of those who bemoan the quality of the contributions. It’s a cliché which has its mirror image: “we’re fed up with this debate already, could you all please stop”. (Translation: Information is dangerous. Stay disinformed.)
Below is a round-up of some thoughtful articles from just the last 48 hours. The reality is anyone could do a round-up like this – from any week – to underline the quality of ideas being carefully mulled over in what is slowly but surely becoming one of the most politicised countries in Europe.
All of these are a worth a slow read in preparation for tomorrow’s huge Radical Independence Conference 2013 in Glasgow which, we’re told by organisers, looks like it will surpass the scale of last year. RIC2013 promises to take the debate of radical, practical and transformative ideas to the next level. See you there.
‘History in the making: The battle for Scotland’s future’ by Gerry Hassan (National Collective, 20th Nov)
The campaign on Scottish independence has reached new levels – a battle of competing specialist documents – firstly, there has been an Institute for Fiscal Studies report, matched by a Scottish Government paper on the economic independence, and next week the much anticipated White Paper on Scottish independence. (Read full article here)
‘Radical left’s referendum role’ by George Kerevan (The Scotsman, 21st Nov))
Saturday sees the second Radical Independence Conference (RIC) in Glasgow, bringing together practically the entire Scottish left outside the Labour party.
If Scotland votes Yes next September, RIC will be one of the few sources of new ideas to transform the nation. If we vote for the status quo, RIC could become a pole of attraction for disgruntled SNP activists. (Read full article here).
‘An independent Scotland in every sense’ by Mike Small (Guardian, 22nd Nov)
Apparently the decision to launch the Scottish government’s much-anticipated white paper on independence – at the Imax in Glasgow next week, rather than at Holyrood – has infuriated the opposition. Such fury seems to be the default position of the Tory-Liberal-Labour alliance.
But whatever their contrived reactions, the 500-page document is seen as both historic and pivotal. It’s certainly historic, but pivotal? In this regard it is not the politicians that matter. Alex Salmond knows this, and will be releasing the document in stages over the coming weeks, with plans to have a series of public forums to discuss it. It’s a populist and democratic move. (Read full article here)
In the interest of balance here’s a couple of thoughtful pieces by supporters of Better Together:
‘Scots tradition of dissent in peril’ by Brian Wilson (The Scotsman, 20 Nov)
The Chris Whatley affair is, at one level, just another spat along the long road to the referendum. At another, it tells us a great deal that is disturbing about how public life in Scotland is now being orchestrated. (Read full article here).
‘Prepare the border posts’ by Paul Gilbride (Scottish Daily Express, 22nd Nov)
Border posts could be set up between Scotland and England because Alex Salmond wants to bring in more migrants if Scots vote Yes in next year’s referendum. (Read full article here).
For those who have already made up their mind on this further discussion tends to be viewed as tedious. We just want to get on with the job. The opposition, which has an ideological axe to grind in our faces, is totally deaf to reasoned debate. Cliché, prejudice, misinformation, ultra-black propaganda fills the media and is vouchsafed to the masses as if Mosaic Law: vide IFS ( independent, trustworthy, respected, honorable and financed by the BritState) is a recent example. The dissolution of the Scoto-english union will be a severe blow to the the prestige of the ruling clique and many abroad will be quick to exploit the situation. The restoration of our sovereignty is the UK establishment’s nemesis. Two states on the same landmass scares the hell out of them. Perhaps a few more months of boredom is the small price to pay for the joy of seeing this “debate” finally shut down.
Cameron has said that he will not prenegotiate Scottish independence but now we have Osborne and Carmichael wagging their fingers at the people of Scotland and telling us what is ‘likely’ and what is ‘not likely’ to happen if we vote for independence. It is all nonsense because the real negotiations can only take place after the referendum and supposing that there is a majority vote for independence. Presumably, however, the Scottish people will not forget being lectured to as though they were naughty children for even thinking about doing something that the grown-ups are against. I wonder how long it will be before we see Johann Lamont and George Osborne standing together, smiling and holding hands, united in negativity and a policy of permanent austerity.
Not to exclude the less promotional piece by Macwhirter, addressing Competitive Nationalism (“a kind of constitutional free market”) and Devo-Minus (“I wouldn’t underestimate Westminster’s capacity for taking powers back”):
‘Westminster might yet Welsh on a new deal for devolution’ by Iain Macwhirter (The Herald, 21 November)
Chip in with a link Leigh?
Never understand why BC links to articles by unionist girners. Don’t they have enough exposure already? It’s my main beef with this site. Otherwise it’s full of interesting stuff. But an article by Brian Wilson based on some manufactured story from Project Fear. What’s the point?
Well to be honest Michael i didn’t understand linking to Brian Wilson either. But are we really constantly promotion t eh Unionist case?
I, erm, I don’t understand the graphic with the Styracosaurus. Is it a variation on the old “old fashioned people are dinosaurs” thing?