MoodieVision: School Of Jock

Series 2 Episode 11 of MoodieVision animation: School Of Jock

The follow-up to ‘Greg Moodie Versus The Union’, ‘Greg Moodie’s Election Dissection’ is a compilation of mainly post-referendum cartoons from Bella Caledonia and The National and charts the run-up to the 2015 General Election.

This 132-page colour-explosion is a large-format 297 x 297 cm (roughly 12″ x 12″), has a gloss laminated soft cover, matt coated art paper within and a specially written foreword by Lesley Riddoch.

You lucky things! Buy it now.

Greg Moodie's Election Dissection

Greg Moodie Versus The Union

Comments (6)

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  1. Sam Mitchell says:

    “” Googlin themselves blind…… “” brilliant quote…

    1. Greg Moodie says:

      All credit to Rose Garnett. Recommend you follow her on twitter immediately (@dead_central). Your life will be better for it.

    2. Jim Morris says:

      Equally brilliant: “Corbynated”. I know “carbonated” is full of gas, what is “Corbynated” full of? (Answers on a comment stream near you)

  2. Chic McGregor says:

    Dear Mr Corbyn,

    It is very cruel of you to expect the automata which constitute Scottish Labour to function as sentient beings.

    They have to be told precisely what their heart felt beliefs at any moment in time are in a clear and simple, especially simple, fashion and with reasonably frequent updates.

    Only then can they parrot the required message with some hope of cohesion and clarity.

    Even then there remain problems like getting the current branch manager’s speaking speed down to a level where some analytical neural activity between words is at least theoretically feasible and her tonal frequency down below that audible only to bats and dogs.

    Despite the primal but temptingly consistent neo feudalism/liberalism message emanating from McTernan, I would urge you to shun any offers of advice from that quarter. He obviously regards himself as a neo Superhero embued of a superpower after having been bitten by a radio-active spider. Spider nonsense? Probably picked up from a Funnelweb or Red Back on his trip to Oz.

    1. Rose Garnett says:

      Well they ARE Scottish Chic so we can’t really expect any better 😛

      1. Chic McGregor says:


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