What was Done

Two weeks ago we launched the new film by Edinburgh film-maker Bonnie Prince Bob and his team, What was Done.

The film treads the line between dark satire, social vision and playful dystopia.The Canary compared it to Armando Iannucci’s Time Trumpet..

This is fake news with a purpose. These are bad dudes.

The film’s now had over 200,000 views across all mediums despite being ignored by most of the Scottish media and blogosphere and kicked-off You Tube (it’s back now).

“Brilliant futuristic reminiscence of the Corbyn story by @nonideefixe”- The Agitator

“The finest political art to come out of Scotland ever.” – Kevin Williamson

“Best political satire Ive ever watched. Brilliant 33 mins” – Rob Gray

“What an amazing piece and makes me so grateful to be able to call Scotland my home. #Resistance at its best. I’m posting on FB and sharing as much as possible.” – Rachel Du Bois

“It is absolutely brilliant, hopefully it will be available on June 9th for the world to see.”  – Josephine Williams

“Absolutely stunning work and infinitely superior to anything our state-broadcaster could produce. Under the horror and scalpel-sharp humour this is a love letter to what remains of Labour’s soul. Scotland is leaving but there’s still time for England. Let’s hope they’re watching. Share it and back this major talent’s future projects.” – Phantom Power

“So **Loved** this .. brilliantly done .. but FB censor ship has begun .. must have terrified some at the top ..more power to ya elbow..!” – Eileen Murtha Brown

If you haven’t seen it already, go watch and share…

For the mobile-friendly link go to the Daily Motion site  here: http://dai.ly/x5khzvv

For the desktop desktop/laptop-friendly link go to You Tube  here:



Donate below to support this great film-making here. Thanks.


Comments (8)

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  1. Murdo Maclean says:

    Corbyn stuff is far fetched.

    But, scarily, the tory representation is accurate bar a few instances.

    Well done those who produced it!

    1. It’s satire Murdo so of course it’s ‘far-fetched’

      1. C mccloskey says:

        Corbyn nationalising the Banks? That’s far-fetched.
        Wait, that’s a Tory policy enacted after the crash of 2008, for the benefit of us all, (at Bullingdon).

  2. J Galt says:

    Hopefully BPB is being a bit tonque-in-cheek with this.

    If not I fear he is sadly deluded as to who or what Corbyn is.

      1. J Galt says:

        Yeh I know, but it would be interesting to hear from the Young Chevalier himself about whether he thinks Corbyn would genuinely try to do some of these things in the unlikely event he was allowed the chance, or whether like me he tends to the view he’s more or less a con-man

  3. John henry says:

    thought it was pro corbyn (pro labour nonsense) nonsense tbh, “corbyn abolishes the royal family”!!!! aye right!!! he’s met the Queen n bn told not 2 step out of line. just another character in the pantomime.

    1. Ruth Gregory says:

      You only have to look at most democracies to see we don’t need a Royal family. And if u think we do why can’t I be queen?

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