The Barclay Brothers and Brexit Circles of Interest

This is an important thread by Fun-sponge @FFbpe about the media and business interests wrapped up in Brexit.



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  1. Peter Gunn says:

    I have been grumbling about this for ages, but others just don’t believe that Radio 4s flagship programme would actually do this. Or not do it depending on which way you are looking. A programme I have been listening to for 35 years. I’m disgusted.

  2. Alasdair Macdonald says:

    Towards the end of her life, after her husband died, Mrs Thatcher lived at the Ritz …. as a guest of the owners, in appreciation, no doubt, of the way in which she changed the rules so that people like The Barclays could make loads of money.

    As for the editorship of the BBC Today programme, are any of us really surprised? Increasingly and arrogantly dismissively, BBC News and Current Affairs has become part of this right wing propaganda operation. How often, for example, do we have a ‘spokesperson from the independent Taxpayers’ Alliance commenting on and dismissing any proposal which will redistribute wealth from the rich to the the rest of us? Of course redistribution in the other direction, also known as ‘austerity’ is always approved.

  3. John Cawley says:

    Oh, oh! Tom Harris – Vote Leave Scotland bagman, Telegraph columnist, BoJo’s number 1 Scottish fan, former PPS to Northern Ireland Secretary (cough cough DUP dark money)and fully paid up member of the Pacific Quay Pals Act

  4. Dougie Blackwood says:

    But we all know this do we not? The Tory governments over the years have connived at bribery and corruption in high places; they have skewed the rules to suit their wealthy pals and treated the rest of us as serfs. A simple example was the highland shooting estates were made Rates/Council tax exempt by Westminster.

    The Barclay brothers are just one corner of this oligarchy.

  5. Daniel Raphael says:

    Excellent information. I tweeted it, tagged to people in the UK and US, and also included it in the compendium of news articles I publish daily via my blog.
    Great work!

    1. Thanks, Not my work, but thanks for sharing.

  6. Millsy says:

    Surprised ? Moi ?

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