Liberating Sovereignty
Leading economist David McWilliams is in interview live tonight on Scotonomics. His work has been important in understanding the dynamics of the economic failure of the British economy and its impact on constitutional crisis.
Back in 2017 David McWilliams wrote that: “If Britain leaves the EU, it could start a domino effect – at the end of which is a united Ireland” adding, “Relative to the South, the Northern economy has fallen backwards since the guns were silenced. If there was an economic peace dividend, it went South.”
He added:
“A cursory glance at the performance of the Northern Irish economy since 1922 would suggest that the Union has been an economic disaster for the people of Northern Ireland. They have been impoverished by the Union and this shows no sign of letting up. The only solace the Northerners might hold onto is the fact that all British regions have lost out income-wise to Southern England; however, “we’re all getting poor together” is hardly a persuasive chorus for an ode to the Union.”
This adds to the dawning realisation that the driver of constitutional collapse will be Britain’s economic dysfunctionality. As the cost of living soars and the Johnson cabal huddles together hoarding cash while waging the biggest assault on working people in three decades, the reality is that millions of people are facing deep poverty as a result of the state they’re in.
You can listen to his podcast interview with Mark Blyth (Professor at Brown University) from 2020 where where he states: “The first casualty of Brexit will be Britain. Scotland is on its own path for the first time since 1707. When Scotland becomes independent, it will trigger enormous economic and political changes up here in the North West Atlantic.”
‘When Scotland Rises’ is a super-sweary 53 minutes taking apart the British economy and looking forward to a Scottish democracy.
Scotland’s Future: Denmark or Theme Park? – Bella Caledonia
McWilliams is Professor of Global Economics at the School of Business Trinity College Dublin. David is ranked 10th most influential economist in the world.