Palestine Action Scotland target Biffa Limited in Glasgow and Edinburgh

As Scottish Conservative leader Russell Findlay attempts to emulate his ridiculous predecessor with a sick joke: “Was thinking of buying this from @ThalesUK but it’s not LEZ compliant …” others were busy elsewhere.

A few nights ago, activists from Palestine Action Scotland targeted the Glasgow and Edinburgh premises of Biffa Limited. They smashed windows, spray painted ‘Drop Leonardo’ and covered the sites in red paint, to symbolise the company’s complicity with spilling Palestinian blood.

Biffa Limited dispose of hazardous waste for Leonardo and Thales, two weapons companies based in Scotland which arm Israel. Leonardo’s Edinburgh factory supplies laser targeting systems for Israel’s F-35 fighter jets which have routinely been used to massacre Palestinians and the Lebanese people. Thales holds a joint venture in Leicester, producing drones with Israel’s biggest weapons producer, Elbit Systems.

In recent weeks, Palestine Action Scotland has targeted several companies who facilitate the operations of Leonardo, Thales and Elbit. This has involved overnight operations against Kelvinside ElectronicsParker HannifinAllianz and now Biffa.

A Palestine Action spokesperson said:

“Weapons factories arming Israel’s genocidal regime rely on a network of other companies in order to operate their deadly trade. Therefore, Palestine Action Scotland is targeting each of the links in Israel’s military supply chain. All firms who profit from Palestinian bloodshed must cease their complicity or expect Palestine Action.”

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  1. Jason says:

    Didn’t realize that you are a far left org. Sri will leave you in peace.

    1. I mean opposing genocide doesn’t make you ‘far left’ it makes you human, but sure, whatever

    2. John says:

      60,000 dead in Gaza at latest count, majority of whom are women and children. Homes, schools, hospitals destroyed. All of the above by armaments supplied by countries that claim to be upholders of international law.
      The method of protest might not meet your approval but anyone who supports the UK facilitating this mass destruction and murder lacks any basic humanity.

    3. Derek Thomson says:

      Who’s Sri?

  2. Jim Ritchie says:

    Well done to everyone taking part in these actions. There is a real danger that Israel will continue it’s attack on Gaza and the question of arming/supplying Israel hasn’t gone away. Free Palestine!

  3. Statan says:

    Vandalism isn’t newsworthy.

    1. Protest against genocide is.

    2. John says:

      Vandalism is an excellent description of what the IDF has inflicted upon Gaza.

  4. John says:

    After Trump’s plan for ethic cleansing last night the most effective way for UK and other countries to show their opposition is to follow Ireland and Spain in fully recognising Palestine as a nation state.

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