Comments (23)

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  1. Wilma Brown says:

    Thanks for your email.  Only thing, I only received it tonight, Sunday 20th April, so I was too late to attend the meeting. Could you possibly let me know when the next meeting is please.  Thanks a lot.   Wilma

  2. Alex Buchan says:

    I thought the most effective part of your talk was at the end when you spoke about limited expectations, from the reference to who would have believed that a black man would ever be president of the united states onwards. The bit about Raploch was inspired.

    1. bellacaledonia says:

      Thanks for the feedback, really useful.

  3. Dinna_fash says:

    Absolutely insprational!

    Can you put up a list of locations you’ll be visiting?

    Wouldn’t miss this for the world.

  4. Not rabble rousing or tub thumping, just plain, straight forward, inspirational truth, Mike.
    Really good speech; can I quote you on “this isn’t about Bannockburn, this is about…(insert local estate of choice).”?

  5. scot2go2 says:

    Excellent… so much of what you spoke about was so identifiably true… I have put this onto my facebook acc… but more need to see and hear this strong message…

  6. bellacaledonia says:

    Thanks Max – please do.

  7. yerkitbreeks says:

    Good solid stuff – a foil to the more emotional but inspirational Tommy Sheridan approach. Also nice to see your face as I’ve admired your written pieces here for months.

  8. Fay Kennedy. says:

    Plain speaking that really hits the spot. Well done. And good to get a look at you too. Poor me is living in the land of Oz which is a political nightmare with the same old mantra of greed and barely a whimper of alternatives. Every day I’m feeling better following the campaign in Scotland. Can’t wait to be there on the day.

  9. Martin says:

    Excellent speech delivered in a manner to attract the non political amongst us. (Some of my undecided friends and family!!). Someone speaking “normally” free from cliches. Enjoying the website, having found it just a month ago.

    1. bellacaledonia says:


  10. Flower of Scotland says:

    Really enjoyed your Speech . I missed this meeting but I know two young boys who went a long and were inspired . Thanks for you good work towards Independence!

  11. Excellent Mike, a truly inspirational piece.

  12. If there is a YES result in September, and how right you are to point out that in so many ways there has already been one . . . it will be because of the hundreds of people like yourselves have made it happen, haven’t just left it to chance, but activated, and shown us what is going on here . . . well done . . . and damn those black Toyotas.

  13. Marga says:

    As a Fifer watching from abroad, it is very exciting to see that Yes has even penetrated into the Kingdom – and Kirkcaldy of all places.

    Congratulations – and good luck!

  14. Really enjoyed all the speakers for YES at the Kirkcaldy event.

    I am trying to get my sister, we both live in Fife, to move towards looking at information about the referendum. She actually shocked me in February by saying, “We’re too wee to be independent”.

    Her world of reading the newspapers and connecting into the BBC has conditioned her.

    I have sent your Kirkcaldy talk and also Mr Bissett’s to her laptop in the hope that see will see an alternative future.

    Thank you

  15. John Page says:

    A really special talk……….. spot on about the Post War British institutions to which we were so committed which have sold out or have been sold off……. Well done!

  16. douglas clark says:

    Thanks for putting all three speeches up. It is wonderful to see an engaged audience respond to three eloquent speakers. Great stuff!

  17. Inspired says:

    Superb. Especially the last five minutes!

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